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Playing MP3's in the game


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I have been on a quest to play my personal MP3 collection while in JK2 MP saber duels. I figured out how to do it... but there is a complication. I can make it work on a server that I create. However, it won't work when I'm attached to "Pure" servers.


As far as I can tell, the reason for this is that the MP3's must be put into a PK3 file, and placed in the gamedata/base directory. Because the PK3 I create is not on the server's "pure" list... the MP3's can't be referenced.


Anybody know a creative solution to this? If there is some syntax to reference the MP3 directly -- this has the potential to get around this. Or, is there a way for the server to allow harmless files (e.g. MP3's) to be used even in "Pure" mode?


The basic command is like this:

music (musicfile) [loopfile]


Yes, I know that I can play WinAmp or something like that in the background to accomplish the same thing... but I prefer having the game engine do the playing. I'm just sick that way.... ;)


Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your thoughts...



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Oh BTW, iv been trying this same thing... i found that when i just put:

Music Ghay

it will shut off the background music of JO, then i just run winamp (its not much diffrent and it works just as well)


BTW, anyone know any good Techno Songs? (Besides the NBA Pump Up Song)

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