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I read through a few tutorials and never found this information. I just started my first map today. It is OK but I am having trouble with designing it. Is there anyway to "edit" wiring or creat wires so that you can create your own custom stuff? I find that creating and editing wires is MUCH easier then dealing with making boxes then using drop down menus.



Also, while I am on the subject, anyone have any suggestions for my ewok villiage ctf map?

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You'll probably end up building the majority of your map out of brushes, so you'll have to get used to thinking that way.


The closes thing to wireframes are patch meshes, which you can make by selecting a box, and going to curve > simple patch mesh.


You should use these ONLY for curved pieces, though. For anything else, you should use brushes. There are different ways to manipulate the brushes, though. Try the edge drag (press E), or the vertice drag (press V, but it's a little dodgy). You can also clip brushes. (select the brush, press X, and then click two points, where the brush will be disected on a line running through those points. Press enter to clip it, and excape to cancel)


Hope that helps. You'll get the hang of it eventually. ;)

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I would even go so far as to say try to avoid patch meshes whenever you can get away with it looking "roundish" instead of actually being round... for example, 8, 12 or even 16 sided brushes... or when making a 90 degree arc, just clip it evenly like 10 times and from a distance, it will look plenty round. :)

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