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The Announcement

Guest roguetwo

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Guest roguetwo

Well, I feel a little sheepish right now, but I have something to tell you all.

*drumroll please*


I am a boy. Yes, Roguetwo is a male Rogue. When I first started on the forums, I didn't even think about saying whether I was a guy or a girl, and then I noticed some people referring to me as "she". I thought, what the heck, I'll let them. It's no big deal if they think I'm a girl. But, after a while, I just decided it would be cool for TheAhnFahn and the other racer boys to know, so there it is.


Sorry if I shocked anyone. biggrin.gif



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Guest roguetwo

Hey, all..just doin a little parody there. hehe


Well, I'm back..in case you noticed i left for awhile. smile.gif


I've had more time lately to do other stuff and so I thought I'd come here..where a few of my friends are..hehe, i've come up with a slogan for the Racer forum.


"Where you get a strange look for talking about Racer!" hehe


Well, well. Hope to see you all. And the person I miss the most is Ikhh..j/k


KURGAN!! hehe. lol, just a joke all.


(Kurgan's still kool)


thank ya thank ya.



Obi-Wan: Hey check that Gungan out. *whistles*

Qui-Gon: That's Jar-Jar's twin sister.

Obi-wan: *pukes*


Jar-Jar is dumb. Obey your thirst, drink Sprite.

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Guest Ikhnaton

so, the prodigal returns...


you'll find things are a lot different now, young man. we don't tolerate any levity!


so you can just take your little parody and stick it where the son doesn't shine!



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Guest roguetwo

Lol! Same old Ihk.



Obi-Wan: Hey check that Gungan out. *whistles*

Qui-Gon: That's Jar-Jar's twin sister.

Obi-wan: *pukes*


Jar-Jar is dumb. Obey your thirst, drink Sprite.

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Guest Chipmunkfan

Oh yeah!?!?!? Well I have a secret too!!! I live in one of those biscuit tubes that Crater is scared of!!!



We have upped OUR standards, now up YOURS!

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Guest theahnfahn

*well known fact*

Crater is also scared of blenders.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest roguetwo

Crater's scared of anything that moves AhnMan. hehe. Uh oh..now I'm gonna get beat up. *oh no* she's mad.. run AWAAAAAY!



Obi-Wan: Hey check that Gungan out. *whistles*

Qui-Gon: That's Jar-Jar's twin sister.

Obi-wan: *pukes*


Jar-Jar is dumb. Obey your thirst, drink Sprite.

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Guest Darth Crater

Crater is only afraid of blenders when they are being operated by theahnfahn. Afraid with very good reason. wink.gif

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Guest wizzywig

I fear no kitchen appliances.


Well, I do get a little startled when the toaster pops...


And I shudder when the refrigerator makes that funny noise...


And... and...





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Guest Han_Solo

Hi Roguetwo! How are you doing?? Long time no see bro.



Traveling through hyperspace isn't like dustin crops, boy!-Han Solo

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Guest roguetwo

<background=black> </background>


I'm doin fine Solo, you??



Obi-Wan: Hey check that Gungan out. *whistles*

Qui-Gon: That's Jar-Jar's twin sister.

Obi-wan: *pukes*


Jar-Jar is dumb. Obey your thirst, drink Sprite.

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Guest TrinitY2K

Wow. I had no idea!


That's so cool! I always assume everyone's a girl (why is that?) unless they say otherwise. I'm really glad you told us, roguetwo. I tend to be a flirt and that would have been really embarrassing... wink.gif


LOL r2! laugh.gif

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Guest roguetwo

To prove that I am a boy, I will show you a picture of myself:




And theahnfan is actually my twin brother, but he has been passing himself off as me on the forum.



Obi-Wan: Hey check that Gungan out. *whistles*

Qui-Gon: That's Jar-Jar's twin sister.

Obi-wan: *pukes*


Jar-Jar is dumb. Obey your thirst, drink Sprite.

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Guest wizzywig

I know all. I see all. I hear all.


(So watch it.)






"So many planets, spinning through night and cold, so many souls huddled on them. The churches said it was the will of the Designer, and perhaps they were right."

--POUL ANDERSON, "Details"

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I'm the man! cool.gif


<small>from <URL = "http://members.iquest.net/~jeneric/songs.html>Songs of the Blue Bird</URL></small>


The BeastMaster!



"The Beasts know much that we do not." -Ancient Jedi proverb


[This message has been edited by BeastMaster (edited August 11, 2000).]

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Guest roguetwo

Is that a picture of you Beastmaster?? heh



Proud member of the Rebel Ground Forces.

<A HREF="http://www.darkjedi.org/club/RGF

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1st Lt. of RGF

1st Echo Division

Ossus Brigade,

Taroon Battalion Leader



Council Member

Jedi Council


Email: roguetwo@lightspeed.net

ICQ: 43790926

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Guest roguetwo

ahh shuddupppp!!! hehe, oops, I'm in trouble.



Proud member of the Rebel Ground Forces.

<A HREF="http://www.darkjedi.org/club/RGF

" TARGET=_blank>http://www.darkjedi.org/club/RGF



1st Lt. of RGF

1st Echo Division

Ossus Brigade,

Taroon Battalion Leader



Council Member

Jedi Council


Email: roguetwo@lightspeed.net

ICQ: 43790926

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R2, don't make me come over there.


I would've posted a pic of Dar (from the BeastMaster TV show), but Vincent (from Beauty & the Beast) is cooler --and we have the same taste in poetry. cool.gif


Besides, loincloths are sooo last-millennium. wink.gif



"The Beasts know much that we do not." -Ancient Jedi proverb

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