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Episode 2 Yoda = Super Hyperactive Pic


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Just finsihed watchign the 'official' episode 2 movie it was really well not good untill the last half hour but all i can say is





definatly need toget a yoda model out anyone who has seen ep2 will know wat im tlaking abotu hehe but youll need like super force speed for him:)

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Ya whateva... no true star wars junkies in this thread yet it seems. Or maybe no1 else has seen it to argue. I saw it last week an while all the hype seems to spoil the acutal movie, I personally liked the love story part of it, anakins devotion to protecting his woman, and the amazing jedi battles are fabulous. Everyone GO SEE THIS!!!! Dont listen to everyones complaints and "love story" bitchin .. THIS MOVIE ROCKS!

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Originally posted by DarthCobra

....Dont listen to everyones complaints and "love story" bitchin .. THIS MOVIE ROCKS!

i think it depends on every individual whether he/she likes the love story part or not...

but i think i wont :(

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Considering how much of a tiny part this "love story" was to the movie, it really was more of an back story or an after thought. If those few scenes made eppy II into a "love story" then Spider Man was a "soap operaish romantic comedy"


I thought the movie as a whole was quite good, a little slow for about 30 mins in the middle, but overall was a worthy addition to the saga

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My 0.02


Personally I thought the movie was ok. Not especially fantastic but at least it didn't go out of it's ways to contradict the originals as episode 1. I was hoping they would scrap the "two sith" at a time thing, cause that is just one of the most sad, flawedand most limiting concepts ever.

YODA was cool, though i wish he was a bit more mischievious like he is in Strikes Back, but the ninja flip saber style was prety damn funny.



Major gripe: Saber Combat is all about speed now days and not strength. Speed and martial arts is visually spectatcular but the slower speed and the battles of strength in the originals were more dramatic and engaging

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The reason why it is faster is because technology has gotten a lot better since the original SW series, so even if they wanted to make it fast during that time it would be very hard for them to. Also i feel that only when Yoda was fighting it was fast. The other saber fights were maybe a bit faster then the original series fights. But i think one thing we can all agree on is that Yoda was kick ass in Episode 2.

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The technology may be better but it doesn't make sense that lightsaber dual styles change from being superfast martialarts to more traditional european sword technique in 30 years, I'm all for Yoda + Maul and one or two others to have different techniques but every f***in jedi! is to much. +Everything is to shiny and new even for a timegap of 30 years, the falcon itself looks like it's 30 years! Same with the technology which is still two dramaticly different, the main fighter should be Z95 headhunters (or something) not some dodgy chromed piece of crap from Naboo. Remember this is a Galaxy technology would take about 10years to become the standard yet alone upgrad a galatic army (clone army gear)


In short Lucas is out to make money and has attempted to make starwars more like a combination of startrek and any generic action movie. Giving a scientific explanation to the force, is an example of this.




However Episode two was an OK movie (nothing more nothing less) and most gripes about the movie are carried on from the dissaster which was episode 1.


Flame me if you want, or better yet try to prove me wrong.

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So, i don't think anyone really thinks when they slam the newer star wars flicks...


saber fights... they're slower and not as articulate in the old trilogy yeah... and it makes sense... at that time, lightsaber deuling was pretty much done for. the only two jedi remaining were obi-wan and vader, both who were old and broken down shells of people. i don't think either could have possibly been able to perform like they did when younger, especially without the practice they once had.


of course the technology is going to be different. the empire is a failing system, and the rebels have just thrown together whatever they can to make their technology. at the time of the new trilogy, technology was flourishing... when palpatine takes over the galaxy, everything just goes to hell.


maybe i'm smokin dope, but those are my personal opinions on that...


also, i don't george lucas is in it for the money at all, before ep1, he was already floatin with tons of cash... he's just making the movies now because he wants to, it's just his dream, he's not making the movies to fit everyone's personal standards of how they feel they should be, he's doing them his way whether people like it or not.



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Nice comment nows time for some retaliation. Ok now for some thinking


Saber fights: Vader is one of the most powerful jedi of all time, despite being clos to 50-60 he would still be able to dual as he does when he was 20. Why:

-He is powerful in the force and saber technique is partly being in tune with the force

-He is a warrior first, politician general second. He would continue to train out of habit and practice using is jedi abilities (choke in particular :) )

-He is mostly cybernetic (best in the galaxy) which doesn't age

-Despite there lacking any jedi to dual he still relies upon his lightsaber as his only weapon, he has not switched to using a blaster and therefor still be proficient in the weapon


As for technology. Yeah it does change but it is to dramatically different for 30 years considering the entire army of Stormtroopers (enough to subdue a galaxy) would require a significant amount of time to re-equip and a dreadfull amount of resources I cant imagine them doing this a hell of alot.

Oh yeah! the R2D2 flying part was lame.


Also part of my technology argument is feel. Everything is new, chromed, exspensive and barley resmebles what is in the originals. While everything in the movies is old scortched, rusted and looks like it's seen a lifetime of wear and tear (not the 1-10 years that the current timespan allows).


The core of my little bitching is that Lucas is trying to REMAKE the feel/atmosphere/style of Starwars not integrate with what he had already done! The new starwars no longer posses that feel of age but now resemble some amalgamation of generic science fiction and action movies.

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IMO Lucas should make a SPECIAL Special Edition of Episode IV-VI. I liked the overall look of Episode II with all the cgi and stuff. So why doesn't he just redo the old trilogy again, adding lots of stuff, making new faster saber duels and creating bigger sets to visually match up the old trilogy with the new one. To me the Special Edition looked more like some kind of ILM demo to try out if different things whould work but they could have done much better.

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He should probably have done do so, leave the originals how they are and release REMAKES of them if he wants to change the style. If he wants to make the series using modern imagery and formula he should remake not play "oh well, it sort of fits". CG has one problem it is really hard on the actors as half the time they cant see what there interacting with and have no Idea about the more subtle things like posture or height, why in some of the duals there eyes and bodylanguage gets confused.


The special edition of the originals were abit half-assed they should take the all or nothing approach when it comes to special effects. Geedo's shooting befor Han was just sad

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well the reason the lightsaber battles are faster in the new movies is simple. Look who all you had fight with light sabers in the originals. Obi Wan, Vader, and Luke. 1 is an old man, 1 is in a suit, and cant move. I think its pretty simple why there wasnt alot of fancy stuff.

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OK people! listen up! it's really simple why the new stuff is all chrome and shiny and stuff. In 4-6, they were in the middle of a war man! everything is mass produced!! Come on. The naboo starfighters are more for decoration cause naboo obviously doesn't war much (if u listen, it's been like a really long time of peace) The rebels especially would have crappy stuff. They are on the run. THe tie fighters are just massed produced in a factory, no need to be shiny. And with the sabers speed and stuff, well, things change. Just look at how computers have changed in 30 years. or 10 years for that matter.


Oh, and i think somebody should make a new stance. One where they are holding their sabers behind their heads, facing backwards. Like in the movie.


Yeah, and the R2D2 flying thing was kinda lame. He couldn't fly in the other ones! There were many times he could have used that as an advantage. And im just guessing here, but did Boba Fet repaint all of his stuff to a more green color or something?

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well r2 could have been just holding out on us.:D


And I would have to guess possitive on the paint thing. Since the slave one is different colors, and I know he gets the helmet, and jet pack of jango even though they didnt really show it. The dent is in the saem spot on the helmet, plus the figure for boba has him with the helmet, and pack.:D

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Originally posted by Sintax

Nice comment nows time for some retaliation. Ok now for some thinking


Saber fights: Vader is one of the most powerful jedi of all time, despite being clos to 50-60 he would still be able to dual as he does when he was 20.


Well Yoda is 800 years old and still kick some serious ass :D

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Cmon in 4-6 Artoo always had a gadget. He never opened up those side panels. Its artoo geez. As for the critics. The critics said the same thing about episode IV back in 77 that they say about the movies now. Understand that it pssses hollywood off that George Lucas paid out of his pocket to make his movie without brownnosing at big hollywood parties and CEOs. Face it the hollywood establishment hates Lucas b/c he always wins at the box office without them. I think he did rather well. As for the love story. "What are you scared of?" "My hands are dirty" isnt exactly the most romantic lines in the universe either. Also Lucas took a big risk b/c AOTC was by far the more violent of the star wars series. Close to bordering on PG-13. But anyways im rambling. I liked it. Been back 2 times so far. When I went to opening of phantom the packed theater clapped only once or twice. This time everyone cheered through the whole movie.


That should at least tell ya sumthin....



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