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JK2 & lag


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At the mo I am an LPB and get great pings (no smugness intended)... but I am being forced to go back to 56k and want to know the effect on my ping. Generally speaking what's the average ping experienced by all you 56kers out there?



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That depends. How good is the modem? What region do you live? Do you live in a large city or in a rural area? How new are the phonelines in your house?


If you live in a large city (LA, NY, Detriot ect) then you should be able to find a few servers of 150 ping of less. Expect a ping of 200+ on average and most servers will be unplayable.


If you live in a small town, you might be screwed. There was a WD that can't play JK2 because he lives in a rural colorado town (no not south park hehe) and is on dial up. He just can't go more then 3 sec without timing out.


BTW, don't forget to change your network settings to 56k, or even 28k.


Honestly, you might not want to play anymore after experiencing broadband and having to go back to dial up.

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