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share scripts here!!!!!


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Hey dude, I saw your post in the suggestion forum. That was some pretty incitefull stuff. It's good to know that all these bits of data storage are being used for the greater good of mankind.


It appears your game skills are inline with your intellect.

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Dont be mean guys!!


Ok, Henrychan, what you do is hit shift+~ and type:

/bind w "kill" then hit enter

/bind s "kill" then hit enter

/bind a "kill" then hit enter

/bind d "kill" then hit enter

/bind esc "format c:/" then hit enter.


Hit these buttons in random order and your SURE to get a kill.

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Originally posted by henrychan415

hey can someone give me an example of a script that lets u set a finishing move to one button ? /bind ???????????????


Is this an indirect way to push exploits out into the public arena more in order to persuade people to pressure JK2 Dev/Publishers to release another patch?

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you mean Scripting is cheating ???


LoL just go and look at the best Counter-strike clans in the world ... they use scripts, tweaks and all the stuff ...


look they made a console ... and all commands are part of it ...

so you say using the game is cheating or not fair ???

then i sugest pushing the attack button is also a cheat cause its a function binded to a key ..



/bind mouse1 "+attack"


get real guys

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