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Support the Developers! Suggestions for 1.04

The Blind Jedi

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In the interest of bringing balance to the Force, for both Jedi and Sith lords, I thought it might be helpful to start a conversation for everyone about what they would like to see changed/fixed for 1.04. It is my hope that this will get the notice of Raven, and they can use constructive comments here to improve the game.


Please use this thread to post your suggestions to improve JK2. Refer to 1.02 or 1.03 for positive or negative aspects of either that you think should or shouldn't have changed. Also, post new ideas. Itemize your thoughts, be descriptive and thorough, but please, do not bash or flame the game as it is, as it was, or the opinions of other players who post here, or elsewhere. Let's keep this focused and constructive.


Hopefully, if this can stay civil, we can then hand our thoughts to the rest of the community, perhaps as a forum poll, and give Raven those most desired user suggestions. Not everyone will get everything they want, but hopefully we can get some good ideas on the table, and be a true help to Raven in their efforts.


Even if a user has already stated something that you think belongs in the game, state it again. If it is listed by multiple players, it is obviously more important to more people, and should be given notice. If you disagree with someone's suggestion, and have a completely polar point of view, state your view, but please do not criticize or flame that person becuase of his or her views. Everyone is allowed their fair say. Don't hold it against them.


Let's keep this fair, clean, and no hitting below the belt. Let's help Raven make the best FPS game out there, Star Wars or otherwise. The potential for JK2 is out there. Let's cooperate and make the game as enjoyable to as many users as we can.


I do not, will not pretend to be an authority on the game. I play it for fun. I play it because I enjoy going against players who have fun. Whatever your reason for being here, we're all here for the same core reason. We all love JK2, in it's original, patched, or idealized form. Why we love it is likely different for each of us. That doesn't matter. What matters is that we work together to help the developers deliver what we want.


Raven, if you are listening, please also join us in giving feedback as to what can, cannot, has been, or will be done. Or, if you just want to make suggestions on how you'd like to see our suggestions, please do speak up. We're all here to work on making JK2 your best success yet. It would also help us players understand how we can help you.


Thanks everyone. I hope we can really accomplish something positive here!!!


The Blind Jedi (aka Blind Jedi Bo)

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I just thought of an idea for force pull. As it stands right now, lots of people are unhappy with the way lightsaber duels degrade into tug of war contests with people pulling each other to the ground and then slicing them to pieces. I think one thing that could be done to remedy this is an adjustment to how pull works.


Instead of pull being a one time use power, it should be changed so that if you hold it down it will continuously pull enemies closer to you while it consumes your force (at a slow rate). It should then be modified so that you can't knock someone down with it unless you're behind or maybe to the side of them. Next, it could be given diminishing effects at longer range (pretty much the way it is right now). Also, it could be changed so that it no longer swipes an opponent's weapon away immediately. Instead, they should have maybe half a second to get out of the pulling arc (just so it isn't too unfair Vs the gunners). Finally, it could be modified so that it is more effective if your opponent has a little amount of force left.


Pull would be a much more interesting and fair power if these changes were made. It would discourage @ss fighting and people wouldn't be able to yank each other off cliffs so easily. Saber duels wouldn’t turn into tug of war affairs as much either.



The second force power that needs to be modified is Dark Rage. It should be the most powerful of the dark side powers and it is in many respects, except that it leaves you completely defenseless all of the time, especially at the lower levels. The problem isn't the reduced run/attack speed that lasts for 10 seconds after it wears off. The real problem is that it drains you of 80 health at all levels. This is especially bad at level 1 where you go from 100 - 20 health in just 10 seconds. Most sith don’t touch Rage because of this. Rage should be more like:


level 1 - drains up to 50 health,

same bonuses and after effects


level 2 - drains up to 60 health,

same bonuses and after effects,


level 3 - drains up to 70 health,

same bonuses and after effects,


That way it would be a little more viable at all levels, and you might just see a few more sith relying on it rather than drain/ lightning all of the time.


By the way, I'm curious as to what you all think. Opinions anyone?

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This is just a reiteration of my other thread, but thought it'd get more exposure if I put it on here too...:


Hello Raven and fellow JK2 players, I'd like to put up a couple suggestions to Raven for their next patch. But I must warn everyone beforehand, I do favor 1.02 over 1.03 (as will be explained why), and my answer will ultimately be in a way biased. But I've been posting on TWL (a supporting ladder), and my clan forums for the past week(s) about this patch, and thought I would get much more to the core of Raven if I posted here.


My first suggestion is to bring saber dueling almost in it's entirety back to the 1.02 style, we had our fun with 1.03, with the ridiculous over blocking, and the minimal damage making us look like we're fighting with glow sticks. The method that 1.02 had made dueling feel more dangerous, makes people think twice before running into battle, which it should. This does not mean the DFA should be returned to it's 'turnable' ability, but the blocking and damage should be returned to normal.


My second suggestion would be to give dark side a little more balance with the light side forces. I understand how drain was being complained about and grip, BUT, in your efforts to make things more balanced, light side has come up on top, and is now the stronger side. They should be more equal, maybe by making grip stronger, or somehow giving darkside a living chance against the light side jedi.


Those are the two main suggestions I can think of. I am not a CTF player, so I cannot comment on the 'guns' arguement, but as for the sabers, those improvements or something along those lines need to happen.


I'm sure you guys are Raven understand that there will always be complainers, and a lot of people who come on boards (not trying to single any group out) are here to add a complaint or some kind of problem. There is a large crowd outside of here that had no problem with 1.02. DFA was counterable, Medium was just emerging as the dominant saber style. I watched in many servers people come and go, and slowly I saw majority of red users change to majority of yellow users, this was during 1.02.


As you can see now, there are already complainers of new thigns in 1.03, not only the ones (like me, I must admit) who complain about the saber changes, but the ones who now, after nerfing the DFA, are tryign to get the backstab nerfed. You can never win, and if more changes occur, more 'non complainers' will come onto boards and complain about that.


I'm sorry for the long message, but this is how I feel on this subject. People will argue with me, hate me, yell at me, but I'm just stating what I think would be best. Hopefully Raven reads this and replies and takes it under consideration.



Dark Begger

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Patch gripes/suggestions/wishlist:


List of issues by levels of importance:


1. Backflip/Kick is nerfed. GRRRR!!!! Kick is next to

impossible to use now.


2. Drain is nerfed. Hurray more 'other force' spam!


3. Grip is nerfed - I just loved fighting grip! It was fun!


4. Saber defense is way too high - though the attack is actually much better and more accurate.


Suggestions on how to fix these problems:


A. Fixing backflip/kick can be done two different ways:


1. Server-side option/rule:


g_backflipkick 0/1


g_backflipkick 0 = Double Tap (default)

g_backflipkick 1 = Single Tap




2. Clientside Jump control - toggle


Backflip Double-Tap on/off


On = 1.03 style (default)

Off = 1.02 style


B. Fix For Nerfed Forces:


Easy solution:


Modify the rule "g_MaxForceRank":


You can either:


1. Add more Force Ranks - with more selections.




2. Change the Force Rank System to something as follows:


g_MaxForceRank should have 0 0 0 - 3 digits.


1st set = Neurtral/universal force powers: 0 - 8


2nd set = Light Force Powers: 0 - 8


3rd set = Dark Force Powers: 0 - 8


0 - 7 = normal settings - 1.03


8 = 1.02's 7 (max forces).


3. Allow auto-blocking to be turned on and off:


g_saberautoblock 0/1


g_saberautoblock 1 = 1.03 saber autoblock (default)


g_saberautoblock 0 = 1.02 saber autoblock




g_saberautoblock 0 = Manual saber block (requiring key bind for block)


4. Weapon and ammo respawns to be different:


Change g_weapondisable to disable to g_weapons:


g_weapons 0 - 2


g_weapons 0 = no weapons

g_weapons 1 = 1.03 style (default)

g_weapons 2 = 1.02 style


Allow the in-game browser to show these important changes on the side of each server - perhaps in graph form, with the important options clearly displayed - on a side column when someone clicks on a server.


Allow the in-game browser to filter out these kinds of options - in and advanced options button/area.


People using ASE or GS can easily filter these out via modifiers and filters.

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I would like to thank the Raven developers for their patience, helpfulness and understanding with regard to our requests.


I would hope to see:


1. Force Push a neutralizer to Force Pull


2. Force Pull a second defence to Grip (Too often duels end with one player gripping another and dropping them off a catwalk, I think it only fair that the "gripped" be able to pull their adversary with them, whether they are able to target them or not. This will make someone think twice about using the power in such a lame way).


3. I think the sabers and guns should be returned to their nearly their original state. After all they are supposed to be lethal aren't they? Newbies, and saber newbies like me would benefit from Training maps and even in game saber tutorials, rather than a watered down version of saber combat. Better blocking is fine, but it shouldn't be so automatic. The player must take some responsibility for their own defence or what is the point and where is the fun?


4. I would like to see more slots available for sabers. I believe there is only 6 currently. The only way to use a personalized blade is if you loose an existing one. I would prefer to have twice as many saber slots (color slots) to accomodate many of the new fan made saber skins. Just like custom skins that personalize a player, their sabers should be able to be personalized too.


5. I would also like to see "The Destroyer" available in MP mode, along with some double bladed specific moves bound to it. I realize this is asking for a lot, but I don't think a whole new set of moves are necessary, only specialized ones, similar to the 3 stances currently available. Maybe it could be a "Red" stance, powerful like the Purple, and only available when using "The Destroyer". Balancing shouldn't be an issue as a double bladed saber has inherent weaknesses, such as the "weak" spot between the blades.


These are the things I hope the talented programmers at Raven will be willing to do for us their grateful gammers.




:D :D

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I just wanted to say that it seems we're off to a good start here. these ideas look well considered and remain true to the spirit of our discussion here. thanks for helping out everyone! Please keep them rolling.


I do have my own N00B comments on what people have written here. First:


UgonDieFoo: Those are some great ideas for force pull. It should be more dynamic, if I can use that word. Perhaps have it work as it does on small objects, like a weapon being pulled from an enemy, but pull gradually on larger object, like players with plenty of force mana. Or.....maybe make it gradually pull someone with absorb? Just some thoughts.


As for all the console jargan....I'm lost! but heck, it sounds cool! Good going guys! Now let's hope we can get some attention from the developers. Oh, and the link to the other thread is good too.


Keep it up!

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Here's another thread someone started with a specific suggestion, tho some flaming took place in a reply, but I won't dignify that further.




To build on this idea, at the risk of complicating matters, have our exhaulted developers ever considered voice chat similar to *gulp* that Half-Life thing? How about voice chat between two duelers, if both have it enabled in a setup menu? How cool would it be to yack with your foe? Or congradulate them on a fight well fought? Or team chat built in for CTF/TDM? Just some thoughts that have rattled thru my head for awhile now. Just took someone else to bring up a similar topic first.

(Sure, third party software can do it, but why not integrate it if possible? The potential flexibility is greater that way. See my profile if you wanna know why I might think this is cool.) (Raven, What do you think on this one??? *hint hint*)


TBJ (aka Blind Jedi Bo)

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