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1st skin

master steve

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ok here it is my first skin, Its quite simple and was done entirely on photoshop 5, I wanted to make a more jedi looking jedi than the ones found in the game so thats what its meant to look like.



Now i have skinned and played with it in the game could any one explain how to make it work as a bot? thanks :ewok::fett::jawa

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too bad the link doesnt work.....


to make it as a bot, (in your case a jedi) i'd extract the jedi.jkb file from the botlist in assets0.pk3. open it with notepad and change the name (jedi to yourname) save it in a folder called botfiles.

now, make a folder with any name (eg:mods) put the folder botfiles with yourskinname.jkb file in there along with your models/players/yourskinname directory and make a new folder called scripts, in there make a new txt file and type in this for instance :


name "Imperial_Jedi"

model Imperial_Jedi

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Imperial_Jedi.jkb



now make a zipfile and add those 3 directories (add with wildcards and turn off save full path info) and that should make it work as a bot


PS: i wouldnt mess around with the force settings or character values in that jkb file, i dont know what value is for what....

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To view the image he linked:

After it opens in the new window and says it can't be viewed, put a ? after the .jpg.


This is a cool skin. The one suggestion I have is to consider using a different model than the Reborn. I think it would be cooler if you built it on a model without a hood :) If you do want to keep the hood, though, I would try to match the coloring on it with the rest of the outfit, that would probably look cool too.


Keep up the good work!



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very very nice job there. the first reborn skin ive seen that isn't totally geared towards evil. but the only problem i see is the hood. i agree with bradfu. recolor to match the rest maybe?


and are ya gonna post it? if so please do it soon.

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