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Dual Blade Saber


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I can't seem to get my server to allow the dual saber code. I can't find anywhere to enable the cheat for this. Is there something that I need to put in my config? Please forgive the newb question. This is my first stab at hosting a server. Thanks in advance for the advice.



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You need to enable cheats on your server.


In order to enable cheats, do one of the following things:


If it is a local server, just bring down the console and type: /devmap <mapname> (like /devmap ffa_bespin).




If it is a dedicated server, type: /rcon devmap <mapname> ... if you dont use rcon it will just start a local game.


The cheat itself is:


1. Do one of the above commands

2. Turn off you saber ( "1" key)

3. Bring down the console and type: /THEDESTROYER


Hope this helps

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It is important to realize that the only way to get the dual saber is to enable cheats in one form or another. Thus, anyone who joins the server can use ANY cheat they want. Generally, this is undesireable unless it's a private server.

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Yes, as MatrixCPA says, only use it when you're playing with friends or people you can trust... otherwise you will just end up with a bunch of invincible cheaters (god mode).


To turn off cheats:


Just do as i mentioned before, but using map insted of devmap

(/map ffa_bespin or /rcon map ffa_bespin).

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