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Unexpected one hit kills are the mark of a skilled fighter. ;)


It's only the people who run around spamming scripts that cheapen the moves.


The best fights are the ones where you lead an opponent into thinking you'll get him with straight melee, at which point you lure them into a setup and impale 'em.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

Unexpected one hit kills are the mark of a skilled fighter. ;)


It's only the people who run around spamming scripts that cheapen the moves.


The best fights are the ones where you lead an opponent into thinking you'll get him with straight melee, at which point you lure them into a setup and impale 'em.




try rushing them head-on and execute a backslash... no kick, no pull/push... etc... or jump right behind them... that move got me banned from many servers.

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If you think about it one hit kills should be the most common for of kill in saber combat, how many times did qui gon get hit before he was rendered unable to fight ? how many tiumes did Maul get hit before getting cut in half ? How many times did Vadrer hit Luke before Luke was rendered unable to fight ?

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there arent any 1hit kills.


DFA last patch only did 140 damage (I know I survived everytime after picking up a large shield).... not sure of it's current damage, since it's variable on when your hit. On a semi-random side note, they never really fixed the DFA bug. You can still trip over the buried saber, it's just harder now that you can't move. Still, never approach a DFA'er from the front :) Or the back for that matter since that = backstab..... or the sides since you'll be blocked. Errr.. great patch.


Backslashes also won't kill a person in a hit unless he has less than 50 shields/100 health. Anything more and you should be able to jump out of it from being knocked over, or get yourself out of it before taking more damage. I've yet to die to a backslash after getting a large shield.





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