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How To Change That Annoying "Duel" Song!!


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To people who have played Q3 for awhile might be able to help me. You see, i'm trying to change the music in the .pk3 file for Jedi Knight 2. Specifically, i'm trying to get rid of that annoying default "duel" song. Well anyway, what I did was make a new .pk3 file and in it was the folders "mp\music\duel.mp3" This should overwrite the one in the main assets0.pk3. Well it did...kinda. My song would only play in the main menu of the game (which is the same file that I am trying to change), but it would not play when I try to duel someone in the game. It would just play the default duel song. Can anyone help?


The actual song that I'm changing it to can be found here: Duel of The Fates

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True, That default duel music isnt even duel music, Its the music when you see those fleet of rebel ships preparing to jump into hyperspace, Having Duel Of The Fates would make the duels more pleasant since you can relive the movie.

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Well, it doesn't load the music from the server. Sith spit, that would take hours for 56ks.


Just create a folder in the base directory and rename it to "music". You don't need pk3s at all.





The path should be "music\mp\duel.mp3" and not "mp\music\duel.mp3".



If you use .pk3 files, you should take into account that the game does load them in alphabetical order.


Gidion, a.k.a. Dalboz

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Originally posted by GidionTheDead

Well, it doesn't load the music from the server. Sith spit, that would take hours for 56ks.


Just create a folder in the base directory and rename it to "music". You don't need pk3s at all.





The path should be "music\mp\duel.mp3" and not "mp\music\duel.mp3".



If you use .pk3 files, you should take into account that the game does load them in alphabetical order.


Gidion, a.k.a. Dalboz



Yeah sorry I mean music\mp\duel.mp3. Anyway so I can just create a straight folder in "base" and put the song in called "duel" and it should work? Also you said that .pk3 files load in alphabetical order correct? Well my .pk3 folder is called "Duel" and shouldn't that overwrite assets0?

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