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Stuck in Trials: Jumping on the Stones


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I am seriously stuck and need help. I am at Yavin going through the Jedi Trials. I have my push, pull, speed and jump. I am in the room where you have to push in the three inner stones to let the bigger stones drop down and I know I am supposed to jump from one to the oth er to get to the door at the top of the chamber.


My problem: I can't jump on top of the lowest stone. I just can't jump high enough to do it. A walk through image I looked at shows some kind of a stone platform to hop on first that is next to the door to the chamber, but I just don't see it. Help!!

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straf in crouch if you are uncomfortible with the chance of falling. But if you move to the outer edge of the stone that you are on. You should see the blue swirl of force just next to the platform, and then all you have to do is use your pull force!



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