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Guest Commander 598

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Guest Bounty Hunter

it means hello or good morning, or something like that. it's Watto's first words to Qui Gon

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Guest Bounty Hunter

it means hello or good morning, or something like that. it's Watto's first words to Qui Gon

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Guest Nodrin King

How about..."Another Righteous Sucker."



Hey, who helps the Help Desk anyway???


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Guest echobase_69

Die Wanna Wanga according to Episode 1 means "Are you going to pay for that?"

Is it me or does that just not make sense when Bib Fortuna say it to Luke in Jabba's palace?


Well I don't make the rules up do I?



The trouble with heroine, or so I've heard, is that it's rather moreish



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Fortuna was speaking Twi'lek, that merchant in the marketplace could have been speaking anything.


I always thought it meant "may I help you?"


Nee Jabba no badda. Me chuba su goodie.



"The Beasts know much that we do not." -Ancient Jedi proverb

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Guest Hile Tr0y

That's odd, I always thought "chuba" was some kind of cussword since they never translated it.

Just a thought,

Hile Tr0y



"There Is Nothing Left To Lose"

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