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Hall of Lame 2 (getting really annoyed)

Shadow BladeX1X

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STFU. Just because someone holds opinions different than yours doesn't mean that they don't have a right to post as they please NOR does it make it whining. In fact, you are the one whining.


That's it, the new forum buzzword, you don't think like me so you're 'whining'.


So, to reiterate... STFU.

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Let's all be friends or something...

Maybe not. Let it be said though, that "You are foolish to lower your weapon." The is no honor on the dark side. I say if your force profile is dark, kill em! If your force profile is light, respect your enemie's need for a rest. Goodness knows that trigger finger gets tired.

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Yeah it's really cool when you're hiding in some dark corner with your saber off and the TYPING-sign on your head and some Jedi-KillAH-S!th-dewd plays "in character" and DFA's you. ..You know...'cause he is, like..eeevil and stuff. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


*Jedi-KillAH-S!th-dewd sabered by Luc Solar*

*Jedi-KillAH-S!th-dewd sabered by Luc Solar*

*Jedi-KillAH-S!th-dewd sabered by Luc Solar*

*Jedi-KillAH-S!th-dewd sabered by Luc Solar*

*Jedi-KillAH-S!th-dewd sabered by Luc Solar*

*Jedi-KillAH-S!th-dewd sabered by Luc Solar*

*Jedi-KillAH-S!th-dewd sabered by Luc Solar*

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If their saber isn't drawn and you have started started fighting, fair enough, since there is such a thing as courtesy (thought you wouldn't think so with some of the people out there :> ), but once combat has started if they turn off their saber it's either gonna be part of the feel of the fight, or because they caught the off key (like I do occasionally).


Once the fight has begun, if you turn off your saber, don't expect the other person to stop.


Simlarly, if they go into chat mode just as I'm about to hit with a killing blow, they had better expect to die. If they break off obviously, and then go into chat (and actually SAY something), then I stop and wait for them. And I give them no quarter if they prove treacherous.

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Does anyone really practice a code of ethics and honour to which is similar to the Jedi code anymore? I logged on for the first time in a wek and a half (finally decided to give 1.03 another shot), and it seemed no one had courtesy, or even bowed anymore...

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i think that the saber down rule is stupid. although, i consider the following.

1) any light jedi who attacks me without provocation is a rogue jedi, and therefore dark.

2) sith can do what the hell they like, because theya re the bad guys.

i play light, and adhere to the code of the jedi, most of the time.

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It just depends where you play, Aegis. That's why I started my Order. We have around 20 people who all like to play 'with honor'. We bow before duels, monitor our playing and generally foster a fun role-playing atmosphere. It's all about the environment you choose to play in. For the most part, public servers just suck :)

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Originally posted by Kiell_Randor

It just depends where you play, Aegis. That's why I started my Order. We have around 20 people who all like to play 'with honor'. We bow before duels, monitor our playing and generally foster a fun role-playing atmosphere. It's all about the environment you choose to play in. For the most part, public servers just suck :)

I've done something similar, I am what I like to call a 'Dueilist', I got the tag and everything. Basically, I follow the code, and have large amounts of honour when playing, regardless of my oppenants honour (if they attack while I'm bowing, I usually suspend all rules, and rape them). Anyway, where can I find the servers you play in? It would be a nice change to play with others with similar veiws of the game.


@Wind: You got something wrong with my Darth Maul get up? :D

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"bowing" in JO looks more like tryin to take a %#!7. I HATE when people bow then get all pissy if you don't. Like wtf? It just shines with lameness.


*watches as opponent walks towards me, squats and looks down*


"Hey buddy, you smell that too?"


"No. Go away, your annoying."

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