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We've hit the 200 members mark!

Guest Sherack Nhar

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Guest Gamma732

Before I jump on the bandwagon with everyone, perhaps it would be a good idea to repost the senate draft or something, considering that many of the people that just joined probably have no clue what we're talking about.


Alright, that being said *jumps on bandwagon*


Vote for me! ;)

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Guest Sherack Nhar

The senate draft is still at the top of the announcement forum, so to anyone who haven't read it already: go for it now!


People should check out the Announcement forum more often...

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jedi_masta; excellent idea in all honesty. That could even have some nice consequences. If a person promises to start a certain policy in the Senate and then fails to do so, a vote of no confidence could be put in by people who voted for him to get elected in the first place.

Maybe you can post this suggestion in the First Draft Feedback thread here in off-topic; that way the whole deal keeps it's logic.


oh, and before we get literally HORDES of people nominating themselves; the initial idea was for mods to nominate the very first 7 Senators, and once the Senate was working, have it expand with nominees from the board. But i guess you all are so incredibly keen on voting :D that i'm considering five people to be nominated by mods, the other two by the board... After that, the nominations are up to the boards entirely.


this rule was designed to have a solid batch of first Senators.

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Ohh, I like that idea leon, 7 people get nominated by the Mods and two by us. you aren't going to nominate yourselves are you? ;)

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Guest Thrawn

4 to the mods and 3 to the people would be the best. It would provide the boards with more freedom, and would still ensure stability in more than half of the first senate. :D



I would love to be a senator! *Hops on wagon*



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Guest Tie Guy

The mods should have all the power, after all, you are all being decieved in thinking this is a democracy we are posting in. Its an oligarchy i tell you, why, the mods have absolute authority, and they rule with an iron fist........oops, i quess my ELP class is getting to me. ;)


Anyways, i like the idea of the mods electing at least 1 or 2 people.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Not an Iron fist, more of a soft marshmellowy one. ELP? That class is a joke. :cool:



I think mods should be picking out the first batch, "6" followed by a second batch picked by everyone.

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Guest Gamma732

Vote for the senators. If you don't know what the senate is, go to the announcements section and read the Senate Draft thread, that should explain it pretty well......or do you know what it is and were you just bashing rhett? :rolleyes:


Speaking of voting....Everyone vote for the person you think is best fit to be a senator, not just whoever's loudest or flashiest....otherwise the senate won't be very effective.

Or did everyone just expect me to say Vote for me? ;)


BTW....whats an ELP class?

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Rogue9

Vote for what....you need to make your threats more effective Rhett...they are sort of laughable right now....or could that be because I still assosciate you with R15. :D


What threats? Anyways, Rhetts nothing like 15, thankgoodness, i think all of the spam at RS.net finally pushed him over the top. Actually, he's gotten better recently, as the spam over there has died down, hmm....


Anyways, ELP stands for Economic Legal and Political. Its a class that NC and alot of others require you to take during highschool, and rhett's right, the class is a joke.

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