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we were expecting you...


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They were expecting a messanger of Sifo Dyas, or Sifo Dyas himself. Whom this mysterious Sifo Dyas is, is still up in question. All we know was that he was once on the Jedi council but died around the time the clones started being made. My theory is that Sifo Dyas was killed by Count Dooku, then Dooku, using Sifo's name went and ordered the clones.

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Well correct me if im wrong, I have only seen the movie once so far but- Obiwan enters the building and the Kamino "thing" says "We have been expecting you". Obiwan is completely surprised and says "Really?". Obiwan does not state his name until later when he meets the 2nd Kamino "thing".

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how bout this for ya, sifo dyas, maybe sidious..... and how bout palpatine being darth sidious as he is called in the episode 6 ROTJ

but that he didn't really die. i remember obi wan asking yoda about him and yoda gave him that look.

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I saw the movie two times...the dialogue goes like this:


K:Master Jedi, the primeminister is expecting you


O:I'm expected?


K:Of course, he is anxious to meet you. After all these years we were beggining to think you weren't coming. Now please this way.


<door opens>


K:May I present Lama Su, primeminister of Kamino. And this is master jedi...


O: Obi-Wan Kenobi


Prim: I trust you are going to enjoy your stay. And now to buissness. You will be delighted to hear that we are on schedule. 200 000 untis with more well on the way.


O: Thats.....good news.


Prim: Please tell your master Sifa Dyas that his order will be met on time.


O: I'm sorry master?


Prim: Uhm, Jedi master Sifa Dyas, he still is the member of the jedi council right?


O: Master Sifa Dyas was killed almost ten years ago


Prim: Oh im so sorry to hear that, but im sure he would be proud to hear of the army we built for him.


O:The army?


Prim: Yes the cloned army, and I must say one of the finest we've ever made.


O:Tell me primeminister when my master contacted you abou the army, did he say who it was for?


Prim: This army is for the republic. But you must be anxious to inspect the army.


O: That's why I'm here.....


and so they go.....

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