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The Announcement

Guest Darth Crater

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Guest lightbulba

i certainly couldn't tell the difference.




[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited November 05, 1999).]

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Guest theahnfahn

Please don't give that Jat guy any ideas.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest lightbulba

great idea. let's just avoid the whole "new thread" thing and post new topics on one thread.



that's almost as stupid as saying "let's avoid the whole dating scene and just asexually produce a test tube baby. or magic, presto!"




[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited November 05, 1999).]

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Guest psyduck78

Bulby~ thats a little bit extreme dood.


Oh well, at least my sibling is older than I am and beyond such things as the internet message boards. Thank God, Come to think of it, I hope my gf doesn't find out about this either. wink.gif

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Guest Swedish Jedi

A bone to pick with you, Psyduck. First, why would the age of your older sibling make him or her "beyond Internet message boards." I won't say exactly how old I am, but let's just say when I was born Eisenhower was President. (I think that's as alarming a revelation as Darth Crater's.) And, my significantly older brother is devoted to an even more inane message board (not that this one is, of course), devoted exclusively to Yamaha V-Star motorcycles.


As to hoping that your girlfriend doesn't find out about this message board -- why? Of all the trouble that one can get to on the Internet -- gambling, day trading, smut, online affairs, bomb making, plagiarism -- this is about as innocent as it gets. She should be delighted that you're on this board.





The fastest podracer west of Malmo!



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Guest Darth Crater

Swede, I understand why Psyduck wouldn't want his girlfriend finding out about this board. Over in the Cantina he's been posting about some of the problems they've been having, and he probably wouldn't want her to read that. Am I right, Psyduck?

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Guest psyduck78

Uh Swede, I meant my all powerful omniscient journalist sister is beyond these gaming boards. Sorry if I was misleading. whats with the smut and gambling thing? if you're suggesting thats what i do on the internet thats not correct dood.


Yeah, thats pretty much the reason why I wouldn't want my gf finding out about this board.


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Guest TrinitY2K

Swede~ So I guess I'm not the oldest one here after all wink.gif I, myself, was born during the Nixon years.


psyduck~ How do you know your girlfriend isn't here already? biggrin.gif

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Guest psyduck78

Trinity~ I know she isn't here, because she doesn't know about jk.net, but if anyone here would like to humor me or try to prove to me that you are my girlfriend, go ahead, but it won't work cuz a majority of you ppl are guys.

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Guest theahnfahn

Rent Beastmaster 1, 2, or 3 and you will get the joke.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest roguetwo

Hey, AhnFahn, where ya been? (That's kinda funny Crater, I can't see the image either, what a coinkydink. wink.gif) DO you wanna race AhnFahn? Or are you too wiped out. I don't know where you have been so that's it. (I end a lot of messages like that don't I smile.gif)



You can't beat me at podracing. You can try... but... I warned you. I am the fastest podracer on all of Malastare and Oovo IV!-


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Guest Swedish Jedi

Couple of quick thoughts here. Psyduck I want to make it very clear that my comment referring to the trouble one "one can get to on the Internet -- gambling, day trading, smut, online affairs, bomb making, plagiarism" and the like -- was in no way intended to suggest you engage in them. To the contrary, I was suggesting that those of us posting here are in fact into an innocent alternative of which our "significant others" should be tolerant.


As for our relative ages, Trinity, I not only predate the Nixon administration, I walked precints for Humphrey in a vain attempt to prevent Nixon from being elected. I don't claim to be the oldest here: I suspect that Wizzywig (ph?) would have me beat.


And the picture of TheAhnFahn at Scout Camp? That's actor Marc Singer. Started his career here in San Francisco and for my money is one of the best Petruchios to ever appear in any production of Taming of the Shrew. Couldn't ever break out of B movies, though.


Gee, does this all relate to the original "announcement" that launched the thread? Do we care?



The fastest podracer west of Malmo!



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Guest psyduck78

this topic is dying

we need a new topic of conversation............

must stay.............awake.........to finish..................ugh...............................................................................message....

*plop goes the head on the keyboard*

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Guest roguetwo

Well, there is the fact that nobody has guessed the other person. hmmmmm. Gee wiz, why doesn't somebody get it. Its not that hard. *bark, bark* (Inside joke to SwedeX)



You can't beat me at podracing. You can try... but... I warned you. I am the fastest podracer on all of Malastare and Oovo IV!-


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Guest nbeaver

I now award this Topic (heh, almost a Forum itself)


The HOT TOPIC award....


<marquee> smile.gif</marquee>



beavers rule!

can you say caca?





[This message has been edited by nbeaver (edited November 11, 1999).]

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