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Guest Chipmunkfan

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Guest Chipmunkfan

Oh well. I guess there is no hope of reviving this forum. Sorry to see it go. Well you know what they say, all good things must come to an end. Guess this is the end.

It has been fun talking to all of you, great friendships have been made (and lost) here, and I am happy to say I was a small part of it all.

Time for me to move on and find the next adventure on the net, I'm sure I will find something out there. Guess you could say that's the only drawback to being a drifter like me, sooner or later you've gotta find something new...

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Guest Super Jawaman

No! I mean THE RACE! on this board. go to podparts



"The Retard's pants are completely off!"- The "sign language girl" from Drop dead gorgeous.

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Guest theahnfahn

I visit about once a week, mainly just to read. What good friends I have made here I keep in touch with in other means. My life is too hectic for all of these different forms of communication, so I try to limit them. This board changed me in many ways, and if I had even an hour or two to spare at this point I would try to revive the God thread. Maybe in a week or two, but I will have to see.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Well, I don't know 'bout anyone else, but I'm gonna be playin' this game a lot more often now...

You see, I was borrowing one of my friend's copy of JK, and he just asked 4 it back.

So, that leaves me with all the rest of my games.

Also, I just started a new game (under my Latin name, Essedarius, which means "Charioteer"... get it?) in which i'm not gonna use the free truguts cheat.



"Bring 'em on! I prefer a straight fight to all this jumpin' around."

Feel free to visit my Fan Site:

Mark-enobi's Site

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