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Phantom menace sp edition


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I heard that round xmas time a dvd of the phantom menace is bieng released , yes i know there already is one but this is a special edition with extra footage . Has anybody else heard the same rumour and what else could be on it. Because there were tons on the original dvd. Thanks:fett:

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Originally posted by Micozade

I heard that round xmas time a dvd of the phantom menace is bieng released , yes i know there already is one but this is a special edition with extra footage . Has anybody else heard the same rumour and what else could be on it. Because there were tons on the original dvd. Thanks:fett:


Good grief, I hope that isn't true...there were already so many extra scenes, I thought that movie was finished!! I don't want to have to buy another TPM DVD....

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It is true there will be another dvd release of phantom menace with extra behind the scenes footage , i thought someone out there might know what would be on the discs, But it is shocking to us fans that to see more great sw stuff we have to buy a film we already have. If it was just more extra footage on a special dvd of just the making it might be worth it . What do you think answers on a postcrd. BUMP.

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HEYYY!!!!...its my BROTHER!!!!!!!!.....how you doin'!!??...


I think we all know its an extra special edition of the phantom menace....extra specially large and long....just so they could fit all of george lucas's chins in.


I did honestly hear though that when they made the film itself it was narrowed down from over FOUR HOURS of actual scripted footage. and you think that sounds a little excessive?... well dont forget that they hired a "behind the scenes" camera man who captured something stupid like one zillion gijillion hours ( approx 100 ) of footage, which due to the original dvd being so chock full of other stuff... had to be narrowed down to a reasonable hour-long documentary. which I thought was just one of the best bits of the dvd.


so Im guessing that it might just be the extra long documentary that gets made up and unleashed. an even longer version of TPM ( not forgetting that the dvd at the moment already has been edited with extra footage that wasnt in the theatre release) will be incredibly self indulgent...

ohh... a bit like this letter...

sorry !.. bye!!!!!

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you are half right. There is something happing to the episode eye but it isnt a "double dip". Its a added feature to the dvd when you play it in your PC (sorta like the trailor for episode eye eye).


Go here to read about it.

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Originally posted by Blobbafett

Hey dude.....what the hell do you mean by .."BUMP"


is this special jedi language?



to mr blobby bump means you are keeping your own thread alive and increasing your posts. Dude i know where you live and im sending some pipe wielding jawa to really f*** you up and then anakins gonna finish you off with his extra special banana powers ( you know what i mean):fett:

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have a look to see if your cars still there because i just sold to two short fellas wearing brown rbes and gleamy eyes got some female android a good trade if you ask me. Now theres this dude at your door he said he's sick of you making fun out of his hand. he said he's setting it to turbo to slap the evil from your pea brained noggin . whoa hold up who's this , why its yoda , blimey so thats how he got his stick brown. sorry your gonna stick it where my dude wont that hurt or something , oh your gonna mind trick him and he wont remeber anything until morning. dont forget to bitch slap him . feel mighty sorry for you dude unless you like that sort of thing. ehh ehh yucky bummy

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The anger...I never saw those Nurf Herders, probably tryin to pull those legless hunks of flesh home :eek: MUAHAHAHAHAA


You know something, Micozade? You are a sad, strange little Brit in Rusty green armor, and you don't even know how to write.Oh, by the way, I've got my TIE-Defender in the hangar ready for me to get in and come kick your arse.


I swear, your @$$ is MINE!!

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I would rather be sad than try to own someones ass . Theres not something quite right there owning ass .Have you applied to be a rear gunner on a starship or are you best mates with yoda. its amazing what you can do with lego , because thats the only way you can have starship in your hanger you freaky gimp i bet your in your rubber suit right now with ken kaniff filling the emptiness that is your life , while clinging to some semblence of reality when your head hits the screen . Wierdo


ps im english not a brit ( freak ) Whats your nationality or are you afraid to reveal yourself to the sw community

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  • 2 weeks later...

what???...did someone say Im spamming just to keep this thread alive??? and to up my pitiful post count!?!?!....

how dare you all!!!!!

you'd almost be right - but...as Im sure youve all heard - a release date has been issued - alas I dont have the EXACT release date on me right at the mo - maybe tomorrow - or is someone os kind enough to post it - but I understand its out ( no doubt globally) on dvd this november!!!!!!!!!


if anyone knows of anymore details....dates or content..come on! dont be shy!!!!!!!!!

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Damn - what an arse I am - I actually meant that that was the release date for the dvd of Attack of the Clones- stupid stupid stupid boy.

but how wrong can I be if I bet 1000 credits that TPM SE gets released just preceding that?...... not bad business these star wars films you know

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