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What's Wrong With You People? Or whatever you are.

Guest Super Jawaman

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Guest Super Jawaman

Why are you just giving up on this Board? I have gone through horrible things but i never gave up! i had doubts about soccer a little while ago. it got in the way of my school work. i even earned the nickname "Athlettic Supid Funny Boy" from my new teacher, but i didn't give up! I HATE that kind of kid in the class you know the one who doesn't seem to pay much attension in class, but tells jokes a lot during class and is good at most sports in PE. i never thought i would be one though. But anyway do'nt give up on this board! when i came here this board was so lively with people that Racer didn't mean that much to anyone. Lots of memories have happened on this board such as Darth Crater admitting she was a girl, and now you all are giving up on this board? If i have to, i will search the entire internet for the people that used to come here. i hope this post will inspire you in someway. now if you excuse me, I have Homework to do.



"The Retard's pants are completely off!"- The "sign language girl" from Drop dead gorgeous.


[This message has been edited by Super Jawaman (edited September 22, 2000).]

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Say Jawaman, then you need to enjoy education in Belgium, from the 32 hrs. we have in a week, only 2 of them are about Sports. We do have up to 7 hrs. of math (not a bad thing). And we have a total of 3 months of vacation.(and we rarely have any "field day's")

So you see, sports aren't important here.




I am your father.

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Guest Chipmunkfan

Take it from me when I say Pedro is oh so right! I'm an electronics student, and I can tell you, Electronics is a science, but it seems like all we do is Algebra, Trig, and Calculus. R=V/I and all that stuff. Currently we are struggling with yet another science: Physics *Shudders*

Our current formulas are:






and lets not forget the all inspiring Quadratic Equations *eek*


[This message has been edited by Chipmunkfan (edited September 26, 2000).]

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Guest Chipmunkfan

All the things we are taught in our external classes (such as physics) apply to the electronics field...in this case, electronics is considered a division of physics, so they require that we know physics to apply it to electronics. All these things are one in all connected with each other. For example:


-You can't intelligably calculate a certain voltage level using a certain formula if you cannot algebraically transpose that formula (Algebra)

-You can't figure certain angles in an AC Sine wave without being able to calculate right angles and obtuse angles (Triginometry)

-You can't figure phase angles and arc curves of a bode plot and AC signal without being able to calculate curvatures and parabola (Calculus)

-You can't understand basic electrical flow and electron paths and the way they apply to basic electronics without understanding collisions and reactions (Physics)


As I said, they all work hand in hand, when we graduate from this school, we will consider all of the courses we took to be divisions of electronics, as to say it all connects together like a large jigsaw puzzle to form the big picture. Does that make any sense?

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Guest Ikhnaton

never thought i would see such recent posts by Crater and wiz! wink.gif


hi Crater! hi wiz!


oh, btw, i am moving to california to be with Trin in less than 3 weeks!!! we'll be neighbors! wink.gif


[This message has been edited by Ikhnaton (edited September 27, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Iguacu3948

Math not only is useful, it is fun… except when you're doing 8 or 9 hours straight of math a day in a hot, un-airconditioned room. You get a lot done though.

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Guest Super Jawaman

I live in California.



"The Retard's pants are completely off!"- The "sign language girl" from Drop dead gorgeous.

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