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crazy ethical playing code question


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One of my favorite things to do is to put on mind trick and then kick people, because it is hilarious to watch their response. The only problem is that if you have your saber out when you have mind trick on and you kick someone, the mind trick will turn off most of the time because your saber touched the guy's armor. Therefore, when I am invisible, I usually turn off my saber so that I can kick people without worry of becoming visible by accident.


This raises a moral dilemma for me. I wouldn't normally kick someone when my saber is down and I am plainly visible. Is it ok to do so when I am invisible?


I would be interested in hearing what the -SC- has to say about this.



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Nah, it's not a problem. Most people are expecting to get raped in one way or another when they see you mind trick them. Your not doing anything unethical. Mind trick by it's very nature, is very much a "screw you" force power. Turning off your saber is a good idea anyway, because if your opponent has dynamic lighting on, then he or she can see the glow of your saber on the ground if your saber is on. That simple fact has screwed MORE people in duels than I care to think of. Muahahahahahaha!!!*ahem* Anyway, what your doing is perfectly okay (and down right sneaky, I like the way you think:cool:).

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Nah, it's not a problem. Most people are expecting to get raped in one way or another when they see you mind trick them. Your not doing anything unethical. Mind trick by it's very nature, is very much a "screw you" force power. Turning off your saber is a good idea anyway, because if your opponent has dynamic lighting on, then he or she can see the glow of your saber on the ground if your saber is on. That simple fact has screwed MORE people in duels than I care to think of. Muahahahahahaha!!!*ahem* Anyway, what your doing is perfectly okay (and down right sneaky, I like the way you think:cool: ).

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