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Kronar (wip) and questions


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Hi all, first lemmi just post my wip Kronar


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concept art:



model base skin:



model skin variations:



pcount: 1696 (done before i knew that around 2500-3000 was good)



Kronar is a race for a little story i have been thinking about. Takes place on the planet Takron where once flourished with these strong but not very smart beasts. The Dark side of the force sought the planet's natural resources but the Kronar did a pretty good job of defending their home. The Kronar are biologically supposed to never be able to have Jedi abilities, yet during an exteremly long war with the darkside a baby Kronar was rumored to be able to move things with its mind. praised from birth and guarded heavily the child practiced its divine powers in order to save its race. It became known as the great golden one the only Jedi Kronar ever. But with its growth it began to fortell of a grim future. It spoke of a new race that would begin to spawn on thier planet. They were called the anti jedi, seemingly this race would be able to defend the planet from the dark side with their runic/tribal abilities to nullify the powers of the force. but the great golden one stated that they woudl be enemies in disguise and at their time of success woudl also destroy the Kronar in order to "purify" the planet. After having the great vision the great golden one become ill. For fear of the death of their leader and the death of their race they sided with the dark side. but the dark side had bought into a trap, in return for the natural resources the Kronar took over most of the high positions putting the dark side's forces into a form of slavery, they were made to further the research of "force crystals" which coudl imbue the carrier with jedi abilities. The Kronar became greedy and over powered as they used far more cyrstals than neccasary giving them extreme uncontrolable destructive power. They basically became the Darker side of the force. the great golden one was pleased with the development of its race and died (after being mechanically kept alive far beyond the life expectancy of its race) shortly after seeing successful tests of crystal enchanced Kronar jedi warriors. not long after the death of the great golden one the anti jedi began to appear on a small island called Kujar , located not very far from a large crystal mining city. they came to remove the parasitic jedi from their mother (planet) and with not to much difficulty took out the regular dark side jedi. but the enhanced Kronar were much more difficult. and thus a large horrible war has broken out between The Kronar and the Anti jedi. but it gets more complicated than that as the Light side tries to ally with the anti jedi stating that they are for the removal of the darkside and woudl like to keep the planet's crystal veins intact, but the anti jedi see all jedi as horrible destroyers of planets and races. The dark wants to steathly kidnap the anti jedi to learn how they can nullify the powers of force in order to use it as a weapon against the light, and still want to mine the crystals and other resources from the planet with the Kronar acting as guards.


skin/model info:

i plan to have the glass of the cyrstal containers a transparent shader with green(defualt) crystal inside, for ctf woudl be the color of team. the non-ctf skins have the default kronar, as well as a dark side and light side version, aswell as a wip of the great golden one.




alright now on to the questions,

i am currently attempting to get it into JK2 and have been reading the tut by space monkey on polycoutn and the new condensed version a couple of times o make sure things are going alright but i recently came across a little situation. I use Milkshape and so all of my textures are 256 x 256 and i have a tottaly of 7 different bitmaps. as far as i know this woudl work fine with the engine, but if am to compile the groups (ie: torso, hips , etc) then i have some mesh that needs the leg bmp while the other needs the cloth bmp. in the tutorial i read about having extra items and nameing them according to what was the nearest base (ie: head_helmet, or r_arm_shpad ) this woudl come in really handy for this mesh because then i coudl have things like torso_metal, torso_chest, and torso_arm etc. mostly what iam wondering is if this will work and if it woudl reuire any changes in heirarchy or anythign else. my other option if this doesnt work is to put 4, 256 bmps, in 1, 512 each and then re-organize the UVW map, which ive checked woudl work but i dont neccesarily want to go through that work if i dont have to.


thanks in adnvance and any critic or comment on the model or skin woudl be great :)




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he's incredible! i am in awe of what you've done. the story behind him (and his race) is a great tale. what was your inspiration for it? overall, he kind of reminds me of gonk(?) from dark forces 2.


i do have some suggestions for him, though.


1) he needs an absolutely HUGE saber ... the one in the concept sketch looked a little dinky in his hands. look at gonk's saber ... it was enormous.


2) his animations need to be different than the typical animations in jkII. i realize to do this requires softimage, which most people don't have access to, but i think this guy needs to move slow and not very acrobatic-like. i don't know if you'd be capable of doing this, however.


other than that, he looks great! i'm psyched about this model. keep up the great work.

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wow thank you a lot :)

hmm no ive never played darkforces 2 i will have to check up on this "gonk". came up with him while trying to think up different types of jedi and why we dont see many large alien races that are smart enough to hold a saber. after drawing the concept art for it i was remine of this medival spawn toy that had a sort of similar get up (harness and body type especially) and i took some ideas from that for the modeling of the legs especially.


a large light saber woudl be definately cool, but first i thought where the Kronar might get them seeing as they are not smart enough to manufacture their own i figured they just stole them from the dark side jedi they were able to take on. and then i thought well even if they did some how have larger sabers, that might be unfair to others who have smaller sabers.


new animations woudl be awesome but im having even trouble getting it into jk2 at the moment so dont think it will be possible.


about the anti jedi yea on the actual same piece of paper of the Kronar concept is the anti jedi monk (or there rune user) who is more trained to fight the powers of the force than physical combat. but yes i plan to model and skin him soon. ive learned a lot from this model and my attempts to get it workign for jk2 and so now i will model with the root.xsi in mind and other such things specific to jk2.


thanks again for your support :)


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first of all let me apologize for getting the names wrong. i was thinking of MAW from dark forces 2, who actually didn't have any legs and levitated around with a massive (6 foot?) lightsaber. bad@$$. there was also another huge guy, GORC, who fought against you simultaneously with his yoda-sized brother. the "official" dark forces 2 website doesn't have any screenshots to show you who i'm talking about. not that it matters at this stage, because your concept is incredible ... DO NOT change a thing, you got that?! ;)


i understand your viewpoint on the larger saber idea. if these guys are really morons (no offense), or just not really bright, then you're right, they couldn't make their own. plus it seems like a trophy thing - the more lightsabers they have, the more foes they've defeated, the "better" they are. does that make sense?


and btw, i REALLY like the force crystal containers on their backs. at first they reminded me of exhaust pipes (for who knows what) but then i actually read your story of them. very creative, i must say. it's cool because you have the jedi (light side) who have 4 types of dark side force-using enemies: sith, dark jedi, anti-jedi, and kronar. man, do things ever seem a little overwhelming for the good guys?!


sorry i can't help you out with the getting him in-game problems. you've been able to do more with this model than i've been able to even imagine. if it wasn't for people like you, people like me would be stuck with the same old models. thanks for you efforts, and keep us posted.

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:) thanks for the constant support

Gorc & Pic are cool aswell as Maw.


i havent played as all of the characters nor can i remeber all of the possible animations for tuants , but i have done some test recording of what the taunt might be, a deep battle growl or sorts, still trying to work it out.


The Kronar woudl be able to speak english though not because they have learned the language. when the dark side originally came about the planet they strip mined with no respect for the tenants like they usual, but soon learned of the hostile Kronar who not only took down their troopers but wreck much of the expesive mining equipment in fury. droid observation made quick with the simple yet effective language and developed a translating device. adorning the device they were able to communicate and they were given many of the device to translate their tongue. though negotiations still failed after that the Kronar kept the devices for which they later used to ally with the dark side ... rest of story picks up from here.


so i also assume that they might be able to say other battle phrases. it woudl be nice if the taunt sound was able to be random from a group of sounds, just to have a little more variety

ie: "die pig!" hmm well "pig" might not be to realistic but you get the idea



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thank you greatly aswell, ill keep on trying i think that i am importing the root.xsi wrong, as i only see a skeleton and their is a mention of tags in the tuts.


thanks again you guys :)



PS: the anti jedi monk is getting closer to completion modeling wise, and then i will be skinning him shortly.

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Originally posted by adillon

i understand your viewpoint on the larger saber idea. if these guys are really morons (no offense), or just not really bright, then you're right, they couldn't make their own. plus it seems like a trophy thing - the more lightsabers they have, the more foes they've defeated, the "better" they are. does that make sense?


If you want to use adillon's idea with the lightsabers as trophies is that you could easily make the character have multiple lightsaber handles in the belt or in some sort of holder thingy. but it is just a suggestion, good job with the backround and everything keep the creative gears turning!

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i think i am starting to understand the process of tagging so hopefully this weekend i will give it a try. (i think you just rename faces of the model to the appropriate tag, i thought that tags were objects that you moved into the place of the model where they shoudl be but when i import the .xsi i dont seen any tags just bones.)


in the mean time i started modeling and skinning the anti jedi monk and soon i will tweak it into a anti jedi warrior. ill post screens soon possibly.


remark666: yea ive been tosing aroudn a few ideas for the hilt as well as what the actual saber would look like, since i think that lengthening the might be too much of an advantage i thought that widening the saber might instill the same menacing effect , and not give too much of an advantage (possibly none). about size of the beast i originally wanted him to be 8.5 feet but i think that the bounding box/ skeleton will automatically shrink him down to regualr size as everyone else :( , makes it more fair though.



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what program are you using to do all the stuff ?? my friend is really good with milkshape and he's getting the hang of 3ds max 4 aswell, if you have any trouble or questuions just ask away (i'll help too if you need it, have/need sounds ??) and he's also very good with shaders.


you think you can do this type of skin for the BLUE version ??


and maybe for the handle...something like this http://members.tripod.com/MousieDroid/Hilt/Leia.html

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i used milkshape to model , and am now importing it in with 3dsmax 4. a note to any one else who uses miilkshape and then exports the mesh as .3DS to then import to 3dsmax , when you esport to .3DS it shortens all mesh names to 10 characters long, which means that a lot of the caps have duplicate names and therefore dont get imported. below is a tweaked picture of spacemonkey's cap tutorial which shows in blue possible name for milkshape caps. but ofcourse once you have imported into 3dsmax rename them to the appropriate names in black.


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since i didnt know this before halfway through the hiearchy i have to reimport and start over again :( . but alas its because of you that i continue, i thank you again for the support :)


remark666: the picture for the "Blue version" does not load up for me. the leia saber looks though looks cool , it looks bulky and strong, i think for shape i will aim for that but get it a more worn and menacing skin. thanks for the suggestions



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I really love the concept pic.. but the model just doesnt have the same obese, organic quality of your concept. IMO you should go back fatten up your model and try to improve on the concept. He's a great design but I dont think your doing justice to him with your current model.

I dont mean to be harsh, I'm just trying to encourage you to improve on the model you've got , and make it true'r to your concept. I think if you do this, you'll find the results to be alot more rewarding.

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ah thanks for the critic space monkey, i see what you mean. i think that i will go back and fatten him up a bit and tweak some other that i need to do anyways, deformation is ugly because of ignorance and the low amount of polys. the head i also realized is much larger than i originally planned.




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alright made some progress... went back and tweaked the model a little, i tried to give him a small head but i kept thinking that i wouldnt be able to make him bigger than anyone else so it woudl look silly with that small of head in comparision to everyone else ( i thought so atleast). but i did shrink the head a little , fattened him up a little found out and fixed a prob with the crystals (in the tubes) and added 4 lightsaber handles around his belt as suggested by Oobedoob Benobi and adillon. so then i re imported him into max, set the tags, hierarchy, vertex weighting (thanks space monkey) and finally exported to xsi.


but alas now i have run into some trouble, when i try to make the glm in Assimilate it says that i am missing bone "rarm_eff" . i have loaded 3dsmax up and checks and it is there and have reexported to .xsi to see if there was any problems. hmm as i am writing this i am remebering that i the "R" side of bones doesnt have a rhand so for vertex weighting i weighted the hand verts to "rarm_eff" and i am now wondering if that is the problem.


well either way i am still tryign to get it in just wanted to let you guys know of the progress. also i plan to atleast get the skin for the antijedi monk done for tonight.


remark666: sorry the new link isnt working either, it says that the bandwidth limit is exceded.


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hehe remark, sure sounds good, although my skin mapping process is a little un-orthodox : 7 256x 256 maps, id be happy to let you skin away :p


icq: 110351583


update: wooo hoo got a .glm workign and opened up in modviewer and got to see white kronar move around... very exciting :p . he has some major vertex weighting probs but i see what they are and know how to fix them so only a matter of time now.

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