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It's not Ass-Fighters Fault!


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Blocking is so overbalanced that there is no way to kill people in FFA without ass-fighting in saber-saber fights. It just takes way too long.


I think ass-fighting is completely lame but seriously, you can swing at a guy 50 times and not hit once. That is the REAL problem, once blocking is toned down a bit ass-fighting will decrease.

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No offence but this sounds more like a personal problem. I have had no problems either killing people in a reasonable amount of time, or getting my a$$ handed to me in an equal measure of time.


Hell, Id back a increase of saber damage all the way across the board before reducing blocking. In fact I think blocking needs to be tweaked up for clipping reasons I already know from first hand experience that even if you block and get the sizzle, sizzle sound that you will still take damage if the person drags the saber animation through you.


But hey, to each their own. Someone posted a console command to remove blocking. Use that if it bothers you. Of course this wont hel you on other servers...


Besides, ass figthers are a joke. Aside from looking completely stupid and killing the Star Wars atmosphere. They really arent guilty of much. I dont know about the rest of the board, but if an ass fighter sticks it out at me, I will hand him his ass right back to him on a platter. It's not hard when you opponent cannot see you.

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I agree with most of what you say, however if you let an ass-fighter back into you, they will kill you even if you try to swing. Especially if there's ANY lag whatsoever it can be very lame.


Not to mention the move can kill multiple people as you spin around. I much preferred 1.02 with DFA's flying around to this crap.

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Originally posted by grandmasterlee

Blocking is so overbalanced that there is no way to kill people in FFA without ass-fighting in saber-saber fights. It just takes way too long.


I think ass-fighting is completely lame but seriously, you can swing at a guy 50 times and not hit once. That is the REAL problem, once blocking is toned down a bit ass-fighting will decrease.


Have to agree with Ten Tigers on this one.


You could swing at a guy 1,000 times and not hit once... if you're swinging wildly and not hunting for openings in your opponent's defense.

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Originally posted by waxdart


Have to agree with Ten Tigers on this one.


You could swing at a guy 1,000 times and not hit once... if you're swinging wildly and not hunting for openings in your opponent's defense.


I have seen with my own eyes, and have witnesses to back me up on this, a jedi block my yellow attack when he was doing the foward red hit. Let me make this perfectly clear. He had his sword not only above his head preparing to strike, but also almost behing his back. I struck his belly, sparks ensued, and he was not hit. Maybe he used his chi to strengthen his stomach, I dunno.


What I do know is that the whole "you have to wait for an opening more in 1.03 than 1.02" spiel is a myth. Blocking comes out of nowhere sometimes, and the above example illustrates this perfectly. Maybe there are some occassions where you can hit openings, but there are also so many where you strike an exposed jedi and he miracolously blocks. And then you stand a good chance of getting hit yourself, or at best he's delayed from blocking and you start over. either way, lame. Needs to be fixed soon or the original community is gonna die.


And I agree with the original poster. Don't blame the ass fighters, blame Raven. And ass fighters are not a joke nor easy to kill, they are very hard to kill sometimes. If you stay close to them for any amount of time trying to hit them they can easily perform a quick 180 and kill you way faster than they can kill you.

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You can easily kill people, though the blocking does need fixed. Assfighters aren't a real problem as long as you have the right Force settings to counter their tactics. Once they can't backstab you they are easy pickings because most of them didn't take time to learn how to fight.

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Originally posted by Rogue74

You can easily kill people, though the blocking does need fixed. Assfighters aren't a real problem as long as you have the right Force settings to counter their tactics. Once they can't backstab you they are easy pickings because most of them didn't take time to learn how to fight.


Many ass-fighters use absorb, so force powers aren't too effective.... is our JK2 server with g_sabertracesaberfirst 0 set to 1.02 mode blocking MUCH BETTER.


It's constantly full now, but come play when ya'll can.

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