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Creating sp npcs


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i've been able to create npcs in sp but i can't get them carry a lightsaber. i've been able to spawn vader and maul in sp but they just carry the e-11 blaster and they aren't even carrying it. its coming out of their crotch. how can you make new npcs carry lightsabers? in npcs.cfg i entered in saberColor red for both vader and maul but they don't use lightsabers.

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An NPC will only carry a lightsaber if he has one in the SP game!Did you see any stormtroopers using lightsabers? Try adding an NPC_Reborn. If you have problems with these guys having lightsabers, there's something wrong with your editor or files. If you want someone like Vader to have a lightsaber, then you have to replace a character that has a lightsaber with the Vader model etc (i assume you're using the MP model by Sithlord).

I used Desaan, as he has a similar fighting style. Extract all of Vader's files from the pk3 (use winzip and make sure you keep the directory structure) . Then, change all the folders named "Vader" to "Desaan", and add the lot to a new zip. Save this zip as something like "vadersp.pk3" (the pk3 extension is important), and put it in the gamedata/base directory.

In your map, add NPC_Desaan. When you compile and run your map, you should find that the game will use the Vader model. It will even use the Vader sounds, but you'll still get the occasional Desaan sound clip.


The way this works is as follows. The pk3's are loaded dynamically. First, assets0.pk3 is loaded and the game thinks "right, i've got the desaan model"...then it loads vadersp.pk3, which has the same paths as assets0.pk3 for desaans model, so the game thinks "ah, this must be the one!" and uses that model instead.


Hope that helps!



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