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1.03 saber changes have reduced game to 1 move


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1.03 patch has turned the game into a pull/red stance backslash contest. Not much fun now. 1 guy runs into a group of say 4 people doing combat, turns his back to them and taps back + attack. *SWOOP* Everyone's dead. :p Boring. I have to admit, I do this myself. It's the easiest way to win. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the old saber attacks. Force powers were goofy, but that's about all.

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Originally posted by Tapewormz

1.03 patch has turned the game into a pull/red stance backslash contest. Not much fun now. 1 guy runs into a group of say 4 people doing combat, turns his back to them and taps back + attack. *SWOOP* Everyone's dead. :p Boring. I have to admit, I do this myself. It's the easiest way to win. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the old saber attacks. Force powers were goofy, but that's about all.


No! No no no! The PATCH has not turned the game into a spamming contest. Blame the retards who are doing it, like...yourself.


A) Find a server with people who aren't complete morons.

B) Find a non-force server

C) Learn to use absorb

D) Don't go swinging in a spamfest and turning your back on the lamer who waits for his backslash-opportunity.


"It's the easiest way to win", you say. Well, that just sucks. Did you enjoy all the time it took to backslash your way to the top? (Enough to post a whine about it?) You admitted it was boring, still you do it?! Isn't the goal to have FUN?


Yesterday I was in a (nf, saber only) game where a guy did nothing but the bunnyhop-DFA - check for the sweep - jump back & bunnyhop-DFA - check for the sweep - jump back....ad infinitum.

He racked up quite a lot of kills, because there was always someone who was too busy fighting someone else to take notice of the jumping retard.

In a 1 vs. 1 situation I simply turned off my saber and sidestepped all the dozens of DFA-attempts. After a few minutes he gave up and started to bunnyhop on someone else. Very boring. Very annoying. What a jerk.


My point is: people make the game suck. It doesn't matter how good or balanced a game is, the people playing it can make your experiece anything from boring as hell to the best epic battle ever.


There really should be a "no retards"-filter in the All-Seeing Eye..

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This move is spoiling the game fo me and I hoep they remove it or reduce its potency in future patches. the 1.03 patch was supposed to make saber fights longer, yet this one ht kill move (on mot occasions) take all fun and skill out of the game. If someone can tell me how to counter this move, please tell me.

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This move is the only move you see any more. Take absorb off for 3 secs .. you get knocked down and 1 hit saber killed. No skill involved with pushing and swinging once .. and any newb can do it. Make it a 2 hit kill .... if they can get 2 off on you they MAY deserve the kill.

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People are retarded spammers.


Personally I can't understand what is so great about getting 20 kills/game when all you do is run backwards and click your mouse. I mean..isn't a part of the fun SEEING WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS AROUND YOU?


Last night I was in a game where someone kept asking "how do I do the backstab!?!!11!" and got the answer: "U just run backwards 'n click teh mouze."


JESUS! Honestly....that is so...JESUS!

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