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Third Person View


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I have a quick question:


Why is it in MP when using the sabre it forces 3rd Person view?


I cannot toggle it off with the 'P' key. I have sbare set to non-third person view in SP.


Any help would be appreciated....



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I'm not trying to be a perspective fascist, but why would you even want to use 1st person saber view? You loose the jumping abilities, backstab in fast mode, wall running and have limited maneuverability (loose rolls, stuff like that).


Lest I comment on the tunnel vision aspect (3rd person even feels to confining for me sometimes ;) ).


Seriously, I am curious what your rational is. I'm not just trying to berate you.

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I too wish that 1st person was available for MP Lightsaber. It's not too diificult to track an opponent in 1st person, and accuracy with the saber is higher. Also, when switching between saber/guns frequently and quickly, the constant perspective shift is disorienting. The screen size/angle appears smaller in 3rd person as well.


Both ways are good. I would just prefer the choice, since 1st person Lightsaber has advantages in certain situations. And it's quite satisfying to win that way, since it feels more like actually using the Force...


"Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them." - Obi Wan


Anyone know of a Cvar code for 1st person Lightsaber in MP?

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Lest I comment on the tunnel vision aspect (3rd person even feels to confining for me sometimes ).


Oh yeah... you could try the code


cg_fov "100"


If you want a wider aspect in 1st person. It goes up to 160 I believe; but I've found over 120 to be a little much.;)

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