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Near release -> Naboo Streets


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Here is some screenies of my map, its the first time I post pics of them.

I worked on it all week and It's really near final compilation. making lighting in such open space is hard hehehe.


So any advice or modification I should do before the release?


ah, its a dual and ffa map..almost forgot hehe









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That, my friend, is looking so so awesome. I could only tell you if you needed modifications if I were to play it. Maybe if you wanted feedback before you released it, you should put up more screenshots or, if you really wanted some good feedback, send your map to maps@jedioutcastmaps.com and they will put up your map with screenshots in their beta section so other people can rate your map. Looks sweet though.:D

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I'll probably release something like..a beta, yea yea, a beta ( :D )

later this week, I'm no satisfied with it and will change ..over 60% of whats in it right now sounds good ? I hope so ! lol:p :eek:

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