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i miss my friends

Guest Ikhnaton

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Guest Ikhnaton

where are my friends? ahnfahn, Crater, roguetwo, wiz, Trinity? frown.gif


I miss you guys frown.gif


I feel rather alone right now frown.gif

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Guest theahnfahn

Everyone you mentioned is in school, and I might have you remember we all have finals. I'm done now, though. Too bad I'm working 36 hours a week now that school is out :o( We are all still here, occasionally, and once in a blue moon I'm on ICQ, so keep searching and one of us may pop up.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest Ikhnaton

sorry, psyduck... i'm just kinda down tonight... i miss the regulars being around. There's too many new people here, this place has lost the old feeling, ya know?

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Guest psyduck78

s'okay Ikh.


Hey, if you ever wanna talk I'm on ICQ a lot, either me or my brother or sister are here, so just message away.


Want Kat's ICQ?

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Guest BillyBobJoe

What you dont like the new people? Geez Ikh my feelings are shattered... I will be going now.. Good bye



"We Drop Dope Rhymes Like SONIC BOOMS! That's the kind of hype that could clear the ROOM.."

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Guest Chipmunkfan

Hey AhnFan, may I add you to ICQ? E-Mail me with your number if you like smile.gif



Your Schwartz is so much bigger than mine


AHA! So...We meet again for the very first time!

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Guest wizzywig



I've been down sick for a week (respiratory virus) on top of being under intense deadline pressure--my posting around here has continued, but very sporadically.


I see you are now Jedi Council--when did that take place?


I really have to hand it to you and Kurgan and whoever else moderates this place--this is a great forum, in large part because of the way it is moderated.


A month or so ago, I posted at a Star Trek forum I hadn't visited in a while, and was really disappointed. Everything was so rigidly controlled. Every thread you opened had to fit rigidly into the overall heading, or you had to post it in a "Misc." heading that nobody ever visited--unlike here, where there is freedom to talk about God in the Racer forum, etc.


The moderators at the Trek forum treated people like children. The least little bit of heatedness, and they would close and lock the thread. (They did that to two of my threads.) When I posted a message asking why it was moderated so tightly, the moderator said all questions to moderators had to be handled privately by email or ICQ--then she locked the thread! That was my last post in that forum.


Here, things may get a little heated from time to time, but rarely over the top, and people are grownup enough (and trusted enough) to handle it, resolve it, and move on without having the moderators swoop in and lock the thread.


My hat's off to you and Kurgan and the rest for making this a great place to meet, discuss, and even debate.








One who believes that the New Testament

is a divinely inspired book admirably suited

to the spiritual needs of his neighbor."


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Guest theahnfahn


Yes, you may. My ICQ # is in my profile. I'm not on much anymore, though. Work is horrific. You may see me online M W F. I'm out of commission for a while this summer because of some traveling, but send me a message and I'll add you to my list.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest Ikhnaton

wiz, it happened about a month ago, after a strange sequence of events, actually... Aristotle was kind enough to "knight" me.


I did it mainly to help Kurgan out especially with all the <s>maggots</s> people in the JPB forums wink.gif

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Guest wizzywig

Ah, yes. I've visited JPB forum, and the clientele there is a little *ahem* different from what we have enjoyed in Cantina and Racer.





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Guest Darth Crater

Hi Ike smile.gif I'm still here, we talked just the other day, member? smile.gif I still come around sometimes, mostly posting meaningless things in the "Hi Crater" thread, but still posting. Like AhnFahn said, school is the main thing keeping people away. But I'm glad that some of these people who "left", came back. The reason people were leaving was because everyone else was leaving too. In fact, I was wondering where you had gone to Ike, before you started this thread. Anyway, maybe this summer things will get a little more back to normal.


(And btw, BBJ, you know you don't have to leave. Newbies are just as welcome smile.gif )

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Guest TrinitY2K

Don't be sad, BeastMaster, you *are* one of us. smile.gif


Just wanted to say "hi" to everyone: lb, taf, r2, Crater, wiz, psy, kat, Kurgan, and my beloved Ike... <font color=pink>*kisses*</font> sweetie smile.gif


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Guest wizzywig

icon5.gif Is/are Antimony & Bismuth one person or two?


Or is this a case of "I'm schizophrenic--and so am I"?



BAFFLED (aka wiz)



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Guest darth_stu

Gosh, Darnit, I'm not a friend of Ike's (secretly to self: YAY! I don't have to have the huge resposibility of being Ike's friend! tongue.gifcool.gifbiggrin.gifrolleyes.gif )





Why does life have to be so long?

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Guest Antimony & Bismuth

A: We can explain everything to you. That is, right after I go get something from my car.


B: I suppose that means I'm coming too...

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