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I need script help!


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***For all you kids that can't understand why we have a config file and access to game commands stfu. Anyone intelligent enough to help please read on and reply.***



I can't figure this one out, it should work. The individual special attack scripts produce the desired special attacks, but I can't rebind alt and cycle through the stances at the same time.

I really need some help on this one guys.



bind kp_enter "saberattackcycle; vstr special_attack"


set special_attack "vstr special_attack_00"

set special_attack_00 "bind alt vstr yellow_attack; echo ATTACK YELLOW; vstr special_attack_01"

set special_attack_01 "bind alt vstr blue_attack; echo ATTACK BLUE; vstr special_attack_02"

set special_attack_02 "bind alt vstr red_attack; echo ATTACK RED; vstr special_attack_00"


set yellow_attack "+forward; +moveup; +attack; wait 3; -forward; -attack; -moveup"


set blue_attack "+movedown; wait 3; -movedown; +forward; +attack; wait 3; -forward; -attack"


set red_attack "+attack; wait 3; +forward; +moveup; wait 10; -moveup; -forward; -attack"


This little script is supposed to cycle through saber stances by pressing key pad enter. At the same time it cycles through the stances, it rebinds the alt button. (I use my left thumb for space jump so alt is easy to get to) This script is supposed to rebind the alt button to each stance's "special" attack. Like blues forward lunge, yellows flip forward and attack downward, and reds forward jump downward hack. (as explained in the instruction book)


The problem is this script doesn't work and there is no reason why it shouldn't that I can see! I've gone over and over it. The console tells be cbuf_insertext overflow, and it woenst work right at all.


Go ahead and spell check it or whatever, I can't figure it out. The commands in each attack script work and create the special attack move. The problem is I can't cycle through them or through the stances!


Can someone please help that knows about q3 scripting, I'm more of a halflife scripter really. Thanks, Gadget.

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I myself really like scripting, and I looked through your script. Well, it should work, that's everything I can tell, but I tried it and it doens't work, got the same error like you.

I also looked in some scripting tutorial, there is no reason why this script should not work.

Sorry I couldn't help.

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Not done any scripting here because I disagree with it, BUT have you tried cutting down on the amount of text in each command? The buffer overflow is suspicious...


bind kp_enter "saberattackcycle; vstr special_attack"


set special_attack "vstr special_attack_00"

set special_attack_00 "bind alt vstr yellow_attack"

set yellow_attack "+forward; +moveup"


Try using something like this which is short and see if you get the same problem. If not, try adding bits to each of the scripts one by one... eventually you'll reach a point where it works or it doesn't and it may help identify your problem.

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I thought it had something to do with the length too, but its not.

Strangely enough the script in the format you posted actually locks up my computer. I couldn't even ctrl alt del. Weird! I have no idea why this won't work.


I know the vstr is a form of an alias that is designed to allow scripting, but not allow very in depth commands. Maybe This script has too many game commands in it for the vstr. I remember reading that somewhere.


I sure would like to know for sure. It seems to me that I have seen some farily large and advanced scripts done for q3. But on the other hand most q3 scripts are mainly utility scripts, and not game mechanic macros. Still kinda weird it locked up my rig.

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well i think !


set special_attack_00 "bind alt vstr yellow_attack; echo ATTACK YELLOW;set special_attack vstr special_attack_01 "


set special_attack_01 "bind alt vstr blue_attack; echo ATTACK BLUE;set special_attack vstr special_attack_02 "


set special_attack_02 "bind alt vstr red_attack; echo ATTACK RED;set special_attack vstr special_attack_00"


instead of

set special_attack_00 "bind alt vstr yellow_attack; echo ATTACK YELLOW;vstr special_attack_01"


havn t tried it yet but it should work ...

Before you created an infinite loop so...



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/starts smacking forehead.




Thanks, Gadget.

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ok i tested it and you blue attack isn t working so i changed it and the order wasn t right (blue-yellow-red)

so here is your script , fully functional :


the yelow attack only wprks if you re near an opponent.

and the red one only works if you re swinging (it s the dfa ...)


bind kp_enter "saberattackcycle; vstr special_attack" 

set special_attack "vstr special_attack_00" 

set special_attack_00 "bind g vstr blue_attack; echo ATTACK BLUE;set special_attack vstr special_attack_02" 
set special_attack_01 "bind g vstr yellow_attack; echo ATTACK YELLOW;set special_attack vstr special_attack_01" 
set special_attack_02 "bind g vstr red_attack; echo ATTACK RED;set special_attack vstr special_attack_00" 

set yellow_attack "+forward; +moveup; +attack; wait 3; -forward; -attack; -moveup" 
set blue_attack "+movedown; wait; +forward; wait; +attack;wait 3;-movedown;wait ;-forward;wait ;-attack" 
set red_attack "+attack; wait 3; +forward; +moveup; wait 10; -moveup; -forward; -attack" 

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