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LivingDeadJedi's Episode 1 FFA Map: Shader Problem

Darth Caedes

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Hey guys,


I recently downloaded LivingDeadJedi's Episode 1 FFA map, set in the Naboo reactor from EP1 etc., etc. And from what I can see, it looks great.. However, I have a problem. A rather large one. When I load the map, no textures/shaders from the ORIGINAL GAME load. i.e: Only home-made textures by LivingDeadJedi seem to be visable, the rest are just big gray squares.. This includes anything that wasn't made for the map: NPCs, Kyle (YOU), lightsabers, etc., etc.


Anyone sharing this problem? Anyone got a solution?


Any help graciously accepted.


-Darth Caedes-


Note: This only happens to me in Single Player.. But I only want to play the map in SinglePlayer (NPC Fun)

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i don't think you can do it in single player, unless living dead jedi speceifies it as a SP level. The problem is, that SP levels can't use a combo of CUSTOM and ORIGINAL textures, its either one or the other :-)

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Originally posted by Imran

i don't think you can do it in single player, unless living dead jedi speceifies it as a SP level. The problem is, that SP levels can't use a combo of CUSTOM and ORIGINAL textures, its either one or the other :-)


That doesn't make sense, because some of the custom ones show, some don't (of the same texture), some normal ones show, (1/2 the lady luck) others don't. (1/2 ll, you, the saber, 1/2 the blaster bolts)



That is not a good explanation. That would mean all custom textures in sp lvls would not work: You and your saber, and crosshair, etc are still in them.

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