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Things in MP that really piss me off


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1. "I'm too lazy to make up my own name, so I'll join this server as the fourth player named 'Padawan.'"


2. "'Pedda' is trying to kick me for cheating/lagging/spamming, so I'll change my name to 'Pedda' to confuse everyone so I can keep being a lamer."


3. "I can't play worth jack ****, so I'll just stand around the whole time whining/spamming about how everyone else is using cheap moves."


And, as a corollary...


4. "I still can't play worth jack ****, so, even though I have a negative score, I'll spend the whole time calling other people newbies and telling them how much they suck."


5. "I'm on defense guarding our team's flag, so I'm going to put Trip Mines all over the place and won't bother to tell my teammates, so that the flag carrier, too busy running away from enemies to spend a lot of time on the lookout for traps, will get killed within feet of our flag."




6. "I just heard Pedda tell our team he booby-trapped passage A, but I'm too lazy or just too big of a moron to take a detour, so I'll (run through)/(use my blaster to disarm) all the trip mines my teammate just wasted the last few minutes setting."


7. "The teams are tied and both flags are captured with one minute left, but instead of going after the enemy flag carrier, I'll engage in long, drawn-out lightsaber duels with inconsequential enemies that will respawn two feet away from where I killed them."


Which reminds me:


8. "Both teams have captured the flag, and, even though I'm carrying the enemy flag and safely camped somewhere in the proximity of our base, I think I'll go back across hostile territory and get myself killed looking for the enemy flag carrier."


9. "I'm on the way to raid the enemy's base where I'll probably get myself killed, so I think I'll grab the Trip Mines/Detonation Packs that just respawned so that my teammates will have to wait even longer to grab these defensive items."


10. "I'm playing defensively on Bespin, so I'll just stand near the flag with no weapons whatsoever and Force Push anyone who tries to steal it, despite the fact that any opponent with any intelligence will turn on Force Absorb."


11. "The game is being ruined by a Blue player who keeps killing his teammates and, although someone has called a vote to kick him, I'm going to vote 'no' since I'm on the red team and want the lamer to make it easier for us to win."


And, the #1 thing that absolutely drives me crazy while playing multiplayer:


12. "I suck too badly to even attempt to duel anybody, so I'll stick '-SC-' in my name and stand around chatting as if Jedi Knight were some kind of 3D IRC, and try to kick anyone who *gasp* tries to actually PLAY the game."

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Ye gods I can't stand when people fight every single enemy they come across in CTF games! Usually they fight someone close to our base and kill them, making that person respawn right next to me while I'm taking the enemy flag.. argh! When I make a flag run I try to just trip the person attacking me and run past, far better than killing them.

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Originally posted by DarkDragon


And, the #1 thing that absolutely drives me crazy while playing multiplayer:


12. "I suck too badly to even attempt to duel anybody, so I'll stick '-SC-' in my name and stand around chatting as if Jedi Knight were some kind of 3D IRC, and try to kick anyone who *gasp* tries to actually PLAY the game."



who said SC'er do that?


yes.. we chat with eachother (who doesnt) while waiting to duel..

but to actually say that we only use the tag as an exuse for lack of sk33l?

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