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Guest psyduck78

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Guest Darth Crater

Sounds like someone partied hard last night!


Well, by talking about the fact that no one talks about Racer, you guys are in fact talking about Racer, which means that the forum is serving its purpose smile.gif

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Guest psyduck78

Jeez, I think that school tomorrow WILL suck. Let's see, party @ Kat's, until about 4 am. *cough* *cough*


Uh, 6 hours of sleep, not good for me, Mr. Narcoleptic. And I have to go shopping somwhere with my little sister, because I "promised". I don't remember promising to drive anywhere on New Year's Day. UGH, I have to leave in 15 minutes too.


I think I'm dragging Kat along Crater, she likes shopping, and I can sleep in the car if Julie walks around with her all day.


Anyway, back to sleep. *Let's see if I can get away with sleeping right now, for 14 1/2 minutes.

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Guest psyduck78

You know, I found out the true meaning of shopping today as I sat in Macy's for 4 hours. 4 very LONG hours. Who would've thought Macy's was open today. DEAR LORD. At the beginning of this odessey, I took Cathy with me, and no it wasn't any better, because she too wanted to shop. DEAR LORD. TWO GIRLS SHOPPING @ MACY's WITH DISCOUNTS EVERYWHERE. Sure, I paid for my sister's stuff, but I never knew Kat's MasterCard had such a high limit. LORD. I've never seen so much stuff being bought at a department store all at once. I'm scarred for life now, someone please, pass the aspirin.

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Guest Darth Crater

Well...I went shopping in Gottschalks yesterday, and didn't buy a single thing. So I guess there's still hope in the world :o)

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Guest psyduck78

ack, the harshness of reality. school work, tests, quizes, projects, finals, midterms, bah! Yes, I actually went to school today on time! And that was eh......uh.....a pleasant surprise for my teachers.....right. all i can say is that AP classes suck. ARGH, I really wanted to go to the beach and just surf.......all day long. My classes took a really long time today which was really bad. Cuz I went to practice sometime around 4 and got back around 8, and my day seemed so over after 2:30. ACK, tomorrow I have to go to school......again! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

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Guest Jawamaster

I came back from Christmas vacation thinking. Ahh yes i'm finally back at school. Then I got my first homework assinment and i thought, Well ok, that's okay. Then I got some more and I thought, I hate school.




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Guest psyduck78

Formal NIGHT!!!!!


Ok, yes, for once I am prepared. I got my tux a week ahead, and am totally ready to go, only another hour or so before I actually have to go hop in a limo and ride around to pick people up.


Man, girls take all day to "freshen up" just for the night. Well, it goes from about 5:30 to lets see, 2 in the morning. Hell yeah. Now if I could breathe in the tux, that'd be a lot more helpful. I feel so starched and stuck inside this thing.

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Guest theahnfahn

I am here. I hope nobody forgot about me! This is my forum, you know :o) And beware of college all of you last-semester seniors. It makes highschool seem like preschool. I miss highschool so much :o( Even though 2000 students seemed large at the time, the 50000 students at UT is just overwhelming! I've been at UT for 1.5 years now and I've only come across my best friend once! We even have the same major, believe it or not, and we still never see each other. It is a very big world indeed.


Oh, and I know this isn't the "Hi Crater" thread, but HI CRATER! :o)

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Guest Darth Crater

Oh, yes, "this is MY forum"! You think you own this place, mister? :o) You think you actually know how to podrace or something??? ;O) My goodness, you get more cocky every day!


Oh, hi Ahnfahn :o) Do you mind if I post a picture of you on the forums? tongue.gif

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Guest lightbulba

attention southern california:


i am now the lead vocalist for a promising new local band, the photon pumpkins. the other member plays the bongoes; this will not, by any stretch of the imagination, make it hard to appease our ska and reggae inspiration, because we just hum the instruments we can't play. most of our songs are about dogs and submarines, with a highly poetic twist. we will be playing in my friend's basement at any given moment, so keep an eye out. no, in. you will love our upcoming lp, " small plates and big food".


<font size="1"> merchant_sm.jpg


[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited January 12, 2001).]

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Guest lightbulba

believe it, man! our first song will be a cover of eddie grant's classic "electric avenue". so come on, rock down to "small plates and big food", and then take it higher. *hum* our somophore effort will be a startlingly bleak, yet endearingly melodic baby duck l'orange, just in case you wanted to know.



<font size="1"> merchant_sm.jpg

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