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WIP - Jedi??? Maybe Ep II Anakin??

The Librarian

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Hi ... I've done a bit of work on a model and am still not sure exactly who or what it is going to be. I was thinking along the very broad lines of Jedi (obviously) .... It could perhaps be adapted to a young Ep II Anakin (making the shirt longer etc).. Im not sure ...



However, any ideas and comments would be greatly appreciated.

These are old-ish shots of the model and there are a few problems with them ie. no head, left hand or completed belt. It looks kind of similar to Kyle's body, but it is original work, excluding the hand.... which IS Kyle's..

Here is the link




hope it works ....


Ummm .. see what you think

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Originally posted by Sniper Jo

great basic model. It can be used for alot of caracters. It is very humen like. I would like to see Anikin so keep up the good work :D



You SUCK at spelling.


Nice model, but I wouldnt be som stingy on the polys.

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:) Yes, as I said VEGETA2K, they are kyle's hands.... I will make my own in time.


I've decided I'm definately going to make it an Episode 2 Anakin....


I know its low on polys, but this is my first model and I'm still learning the trade I guess....


Anyway, I've updated my .. er ... website ... it has a picture that looks more like Anakin (still a LOT of work to do)....




Ummm, I'm not a good skinner so if someone would like to help me out I would be very, very grateful... :) .. please

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Very nice! :D This would be a good model to base other Jedi off of by changing the head (and hands if necessary). One comment I have is you might want to bring the waist in a touch so it's more defined.



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Kewl model Ape, but u need to fix the tags fool! Ani's lightsaber is about 5cm away from his hand, and doesnt move relative to the rest of the model.


(for everybody else, i know this guy and he showed me it in the game)


one more thing, give him a head! even if it's just a cube, its kinda kreepy.






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