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Listen server not listed on master list?

Darth Anabolic

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I usually create my own games for myself and a couple of friends, but nobody else joins that doesn't know my IP-number..


Although, when I start a dedicated server, people join like there's no tomorrow!! :)

It's because its sending some "heartbeat" to Ravensoft master server list, so people can see it online when they search for servers.


Now I wonder, how do I do this heartbeat thing so my listen-server shows up in the list also?


Thanks alot for all help!


//Darth Anabolic :vadar:

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Anyone? :(


A friendly guy in a JK2-chat told me that I was to put these values in my config/console:

sv_master1 masterjk2.ravensoft.com (it was default anyway)

sv_master2 clanservers.net

sv_master3 master0.gamespy.com


Sure I did, but still nobody joined my game, except for friends that joined all around the world (who all had below 120 ping= pretty ok)

So I dont think its a ping problem so people wont join, I think they just cant find the server?


Can anybody help me please?


//Darth Anabolic :vadar:

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