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I know Ulic Qel Droma will be done by Lebonik's l33t crew as he is my favorite Jedi.



Male Twi'Lek Jedi --> I would like to see this actually made into a model of Tott Doneeta. Bad ass looking Twi'Let Jedi, not like that idiot Boc in JK.

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These are models I want to see.


Star Wars


1. Jabba the Hutt

2. Jar Jar Binks

3. Admiral Ackbar


Not Star Wars


1. Somebody from the Matrix -- Morpheus, Neo, or Smith

2. Piccolo from DBZ

3. Austin Powers/Dr. Evil


Real People


1. Abraham Lincoln

2. Osama and/or Saddam

3. Elvis Presley

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The most comical model of course that I would love to see is.


LORD HELMET from Spaceballs with his two costumes:

Vader style

Desert style


also with the helmet faceplate up and down so you can see Rick Moranis's face. Even better when it can be done his taunt makes him lift his face plate and say one of the many hilarious quotes.


I know that currently with the lack of editing software available it would look odd when you do an overhead swing that the arms and saber would go through the enourmous helmet :D.


Just imagine a mod where you enter a saber lock and the sabers wrap round eachother and he says "Sh*t I hate it when my Schwartz gets twisted" if you've seen Spaceballs (who hasnt) you'll know what I mean.:D



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Ok. Bear with me:


A Klingon with a Bat Leth as a weapon

Bender from Futurama

Zena (dont flog me for that one. It was my fiancee's idea)

Kenny from South Park

The Grinch is a MUST

Beavis and Butthead

Homer Simpson and imagine the taunts!

Sponge Bob


The Terminator

Various adult film stars (just picture what Peter North would do with his lightsaber)

Minbari Warrior

Hannibal Lector with face guard

Ba Ba Booey with those big ole horse teeth

Daffy Duck


The list could go on and on, but these would make for a great addition for LAN parties. Some of the taunts would be worth the download.

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I would like to see these skins/models (no particular order)


1. An Anakin Skywalker with his black Jedi Robe

2.) Count Dooku with robe

3.) Count Dooku saber hilt

4.) Qui-Gon Jinn with long hair

5.) Blade (From Puppetmasters)

6.) Dark Helmet(spaceballs)

7.) Barf (Spaceballs)

8.) My ex (so I can saber her ass!!!)

9.) Jar Jar (so I can kill him)

10.) Zam Weiss(sp?)

11.) Padme (WIP is being done)

12.) Jedi council Members

13.) Jedi who force pushes c3p0 over and smiles

14.) Jedi who fought in Ep2

15.) The Elf guy from Lord of the Rings

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1. Wedge Antillies

2. ALF

3. a mime

4. Blunt man & Cronic (jay and silent bob strike back)

5. Cock knocker (jay and silent bob strike back)

6. Judge Dredd

7. Robo Cop

8. Ed-209

9. Terminator (T-100 & T-1000)

10. Sith Stick Figure :)

11. Kermit the Frog or better yet Darth Kermit

12. Wamp rats

13. Battle Droids (any type)

14. Local police officer in Roit Gear

15. the guy from GTA 3

16. Female Mandalorian

17. Gandi

18. DOOM Marine, hell anything from DOOM. :D

19. Bruce Lee

20. Ninja Turtles LOL

21. all three races from star craft

22. Shaft (samuel L. Jackson)

23. All of Wraith Squadron

24. A Vong Warrior (new Jedi Order series)

25. Riddick from Pitch Black

26. Rambo

27. The AIM buddy

28. The Shredder

some of my ides suck LOL

29. KISS

30. SWAT

31. Satan from the movie Legend (Tim curry looked beast as hell in that movie)

32. The Gundams from Gundam Wing. (not there pilots just the mechs)

33. Tony Hawk with skate bored

34. Johnny the homicidal maniac (comic charater)

35. filler bunny(in the johnny the homicidal maniac comics)

35. Furry beast from hoth.

36. Hippies with and without afros (don't forget the pic in there hair)

37. Ronald McDonald

damn i need sleep

38. WearWolf

39. Ithorians

40. The 2 headed dude from the pod race in EP1


ok thats all i can think off, please drive through and come again.



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Model i would like to have


1. Couple jedi models


-With big cloak and hood

-With just big cloak

-Without cloak


All those models should be "standard"

model which can be made to look very

different with different skins....


2. Couple droid models


-Battle droid



3. Couple padme models


-That white jumpsuit

-And couple "civil dresses which

should again be "standard..."


4. Lots of nice EP1-EP2 style models.........


And then some nice little or a bit biger SP

mod campaing which take place at that

time before empire....

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no PARTICULAR order:


1. JABBA - with slug like animations i.e. ep.4 in mos eisely

2. Aayla Secura (pretty hot, *for an alien :p )

3. Mace Windu (which i'm actually working on-with "party's over" taunt [clear with no background noise])

4. YODA! with cool spin flippy animations for fighting like in ep.2-maybe taunt: "that is why you fail" or "i sense much fear in you"... who knows, there are so many!!!

5. Jawa

6. a *cloaked* emperor

7. Obi (bearded, young and old) and Qui-Gon

8. EWOK!

9. a Gungan to slice up (preferable Jar-Jar or that Captain guy)

10. A Wampa from ep.5

11. A Kaminoan from ep.2 (the cloners who are tall)

12. Anyone else on the Jedi Council

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ok okie


1.Vicious - from Cowboy Bebop

2.Spike Spiegal - from Cowboy Bebop

3.Cloud - FF7

4.Vincent - FF7

5.Sephiroth - FF7

6.Auron - FF10

7.the dude from the crow - dont remember name :( and its one of my favorite movies

8.Max Payne


10.The Joker

11.Newman - Seinfeld



14.Han Solo

15.Mike Patton

16.Mr T

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The Crow, Han Solo, and Mr T Have all ready been made swordless, and so has Gui-gon jinn, just not an accurate one, and for those asking for ewoks.. there is an ewok skin pack available on JKii.net all ready... But thinking about it, I also wouldn't mind seeing A sephiroth skin, or Kuja skin.

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Well when I first started playing quake 3 (before I started modelling) I used to use characters like Bender , characters that really didnt fit into quake 3 at all. I found that all though they where pretty fun for a short while, the novelty wears off. The models which I used the most are the characters that realistically fit into the game enviroment.

I'd rather see starwars models, wether original concepts or existing characters than cartoon characters or people from other films. In a Futurama Mod - I'd want futurama characters but I wouldnt use them in the regular game.

Since I started creating custom models myself I wouldnt create a character for a game that I felt didnt fit in with the enviroment of the game.

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i agree with spacemonkey that the characters should fit in the environment - don't wanna see the care bears running around in a FFA. i wouldn't mind slicing them to pieces, either.


any ORIGINAL user-created, star wars-BASED model will always be the one i grab first (how's it coming Blood and Abs?). i can't say it enough how much these original characters further expand the star wars universe. it really shows all the imagination and effort people put into their characters. that's NOT to say people making "official" star wars characters don't have any imagination and don't put tons of effort into their creations. *sigh* i'm gonna shut up now.


i would also like to see most (if not all - except for the hairy, snake-looking guy) of the members of the jedi council to be present and accounted for: ki-adi mundi, yoda (WIP), mace windu (WIP), plo koon, etc. i gotta give a shout-out to kit fisto, too. how many times did you wanna be able to knock down c3p0 and smirk?

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Originally posted by Andy867

and for those asking for ewoks.. there is an ewok skin pack available on JKii.net all ready.


I have been trying to download that for weeks and it STILL has a broken link. WIsh it would be fixed.

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You wouldn't be one but your enemies would, that way you could kill them. A pleasure I'm sure everyone wants.


Also, Carnor Jax, Kir Kanos (both could have their pike thingers) and Mirith Sinn from Crimson Empire would be r337.

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