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Weeping :'O(

Guest Darth Crater

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Guest WeedSmoker

Did you lose your girlfriend?


You can tell me about it...


[This message has been edited by WeedSmoker (edited January 09, 2001).]

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Guest Jawamaster

I didn't lose her! I just don't like her anymore and now i have to tell her how I feel about her by the end of the school year or else she might break up with me. . . hey, that's a good idea!




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what's your problem boi?


Cathy can always help you out smile.gif



"Will you write it down so I don't have to pay attention?"-Timothy Yang Yuen Cheng

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Guest Jawamaster

I've trusted far too many people, later finding out I had made huge mistakes, now look wher I am.




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Guest Jawamaster

No where I am as in, sitting in my computer room listening to songs about people breaking up by Earth Wind and Fire with tons of problems crouding my mind.




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Guest Jawamaster

If I can trust you to give me your advice as an adult, I'll explain, or else someone else will do it behind my back, which would actually make it easier for me, if someone could do that, I would be happy, I would just put in the details and correct the mistakes.




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Guest Jawamaster

Let me summarize. I met a girl who liked me and I liked her before Christmas vac. We called each other, talked a lot, etc. you get the idea. I used to have a dull life which I will not begin to describe, because it is so boring and pathetic that you would probably kill yourself if you heard it. Anyways, when I was with her, there was a weird feeling of happiness that was never there. After vacation, it was over, it was all gone. I am going to talk to her about it now, I'm afraid to, I guess that was my problem. I guess I was tired of my old life and wanted to change, I was afraid of change, I want my old life back, and in my old life had no "her" in it. I know she still likes me and I think she liked me more now because, i have heard from my friends, that she stares at me during recess when I am not looking. I am afraid to break her heart. The happiness, when it left, it took all of my sense of humor, and all of the happiness I ever had with it. i am a very boring person now. I am funny, but when I tell jokes, I don't laugh with the other people who are. I don't know what to do.




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Ok, boi


I'm not going to tell you to DO anythang, but I'm gonna tell you what I think. k? Just listen to me and think about it a little more. I don't really understand your main problem, and I don't really think that you need to do anything. You need to make a decision on your own whether your life is better off without her, or if you liked it a lot more wit her. You can have your old dull, boring life back, but you can makes slight changes to that, and changes can be scary sometimes, but sometimes it's good for people.


And I've got a question, did something happen or what? because if not, it's just a phase, an infatuation, and you'll get over it.


If you want to know more about me, cuz I was kinda like that, except I'm a girl, just ask, I'll tell ya.


Okee, I hafta run, too much homework. Eek!



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Guest Jawamaster

I am going to break up with her in a few minutes, as soon as she calls. That is my decision. I am pretty pissed at her right now, cuz I found out she's been telling her friends that I am ugly, she hates me, and I walk like a pidgeon. Well, I hate to say it, but, SHE LOOKS LIKE A FREAKIN DEFORMED CHIPMUNK LIZARD! Ahh, that felt better. I think It'll be easier for me to dump her now since I am pretty pissed at her. Believe it or not, but I am in a pretty good mood right now, lucky for her. Anyways, I would love to hear your story if you wnat to tell it, cuz if you don't that's fine. i feel kinda like I can trust you. It's weird cuz I have never met anyone that I could trust, not even my friends. That's what I always wanted was someone that would listen to me. My sister could do that, now she's in Rhode Island and I can't talk to her as often as I used to be able to. I am a pretty good listener if you let me listen. You see, I have a big hobby. i am a pretty smart kid. On the weekends I have a job I like to call being a "problem solver". I help solve problems for kids around the neighborhood. I am good at it. I will listen now, I am tired of talking.




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Guest Darth Crater

This is just my opinion, but I really believe that until you find a person that you truly care about, not just an infatuation, it's a good idea to not really attach yourself to an involved relationship. In my personal experience, I never had a boyfriend before the end of my junior year in high school, and I am very glad that I waited so long, because I don't have to carry all the relationships that have gone bad, with me into my current relationship. It also seems to me to be a good idea to really know and spend a lot of time with a person to be sure they're not just an infatuation, before you become their girlfriend/boyfriend. Infatuations pass very quickly. A person you love is someone whom you can stand to be with even when they're all yucky first thing in the morning, or sick as a dog, with a runny nose and hacking cough. I hope some of that makes sense :o) Maybe I'm just rambling :o)

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Guest Jawamaster

I am sorry. in that last post I was in a bad mood. I found out that Kaytee hadn't said those things and her friend just told me that because she doesn't like me and doesn't want me with Kaytee. I had a long talk with Kaytee. I told her everything, but I didn't tell her why I don't like her anymore. She got frustrated because i didn't tell her and she cried. i feel horrible. I tried to talk to her today after school, but she sorta snubbed me down. Do you think i should call her and tell her why I don't like h




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There is an old saying here in Belgium wich goes: "Stop shifting -circle strafing if you like- around the pot!" wich means that you should better just get to the point instead of spending hours/days/weeks/months/years/centuries/millenia etc... simply trying to evade the actual thing you are wanting to say. So simply say what you want to say so you can stop worrying about the thing that's on your mind, or what you wanted to say to a person.




I am your father.


PS Crater, you weren't rambling at all. You are darn right. You shouldn't get attached to a person immediatly(like most kids do these days, sadly enough). For example, yesterday, a girl who is in the same class as me, was snogging her boyfriend almost non-stop during recess. And today "He broke up with me". I mean... You shouldn't be kissing a person until you know for sure that it's something serious and that's going to last longer than a month.(I personnaly think, that you shouldn't be kissing someone until you are almost perfectly sure that you are going to spend the rest of your life with that person)


[This message has been edited by Pedro The Hutt (edited January 19, 2001).]

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Guest Jawamaster

Ahhh. I feel great! As Michael Jackson said, "She's just a girl. . .". I broke up with her, I broke her heart, made her cry, the works. And I feel good. I guess I am going to "play the field" now. Instead of listening to sad songs by Earth Wind & Fire like "After the Love is gone", I am listening to happy ones like "Let's Grove" and "Sing a Song". I feel great! I am going to change my life. At least I am going to work on it. I am going to try to improve my grades and work on something else, smiling and laughing more! C'mon! Tell me a good joke!




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It's nice to see that our advice has helped. smile.gif. Oh yeah, I know what you can do, you can work on your gaming skills until they are nearing perfection wink.gif. So from now on,the name Kaytee Jones will be heard here again. Hurray! BTW, the perfect song if you need to cheer up, Monthy Python's "always look on the bright side of life" It never fails to bring a smile to my face.

Allright, now that all this is over, let's talk about Star Wars (even about Episode I: Racer perhaps) biggrin.gif




I am your father.

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Guest Jawamaster

I just bought some of the new Enhanced Naboo packs. It is awesome! In it I got Obi-Wan-Kenobi:Jedi Knight, The Will of the Force, Yoda:Wise Jedi, R2-D2:Starship Maintenance Droid, Anakin Skywalker:Tested by the Jedi Council, Trade Federation Tank:Patrol Division, and a holographic Destroyer Droid Squad:Gaurd Division. They are only my rares. I got all of these and more in 1 pack!




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