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Make Skins into NPCs (SP)

Darth Caedes

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Allright, usually I don't like posting 'requests'.. This isn't even a real request, but anyways...


There's allot more new MP skins coming out, all very fantastic.. Yet, I find myself, and allot of other people (generally people with crappy modems) playing in singleplayer, on Mper maps, with NPCs.. NPCs are so fun, so cinematic compared to bots... But unfortunatenly, not all these skins come with NPC support for SP... Actually, barely any do. Now, they could make mods for them, like the Maul or Vader skins.. But then you'd run out of character spots to put them in pretty quickly...


So, my solution is for someone to make NPC files (based off other characters) for these new skins.. Good skins anyways.. Like the new Fett skin/model coming out, or the Royal Guards, or Tusken raiders, etc., etc...


I believe all that's involved is simply edditing, them some hard coding... I think if someone in the community could do this, everyone would be very, very much impressed.




Darth Caedes

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How ironic...

I came on this forum today because I'm having the same problem...


I did it once, and it wasn't hard at all... its just the renaming of a few folders. Its extremely simple to replace in-game characters with another in-game character, but a downloaded skin is a little more difficult.


I'm going to check my mod. I made a Maul NPC which replaces Tavion and a Dark Kyle to replace Kyle.


I'll post again when I remember exactly how to do it :)




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Okay, I remember.


Simple actually.


Rename the folder of your downloaded skin to the NPC in the game you are replacing (In my case, it would be models\players\darth_maul , so I would change darth_maul to tavion because that's who I am replacing.


So now you have a directory models\players\(in-game character's name). Next step is simple. There should be a file model_default.skin. It might not be "model_default", but it will have the .skin filetype. Open that file up with any word processor. You'll see a number of lines of text, each line ending in a file name. All you need to do is make sure each line in that .skin file MATCHES the name of the file you have in the same folder. For example, in my tavion skin file, it should not say








Be CAREFUL to note that if your files are in JPEG format, that is, that they have the .jpg file extension, that you declare that in the skin file. A TGA file and a JPG file are different types of images, the game recognizes both, but make sure the skin file has the right file.

If you don't include the .skin file, the game will tell you that the shaders are not found when you try to load the models in-game.


Hopefully you know how to compile a .pk3 file....

If not, please respond here or e-mail me: MrTencza@aol.com




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