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Guest Diak

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I am on a G3/Powerbook and everytime I attempt to boot Racer and have it display on an external montitor, it just hangs with a black screen. Nothing happens. When I press return, the game quits.


Does anyone with a mac have any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I have given Racer over 100,000k in ram.



JM. Diakonia Photizo

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No, no lines, no nothing. Usually when a game turns the screen black, I can hear it reading and qwriting to the hard drive, as it boots the game. When Racer turns the screen black, it fails to load anything. The conflict must come very early in the booting process.



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Guest Jawamaster

The disk might be screwed up. Once I bought Rougue Squadron 3d at Costco and it was scratched and kept on repeating the same intro music over and over without stopping.




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