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Tactics or being lame?


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Hi, I tend to duel a fair bit and seem to encounter largely one of three types:


1.) The lightning spammer: Keeps just out of range at all times and, as the name suggests, spams you with lightning. He lightnings, you push, he lightnings, you push etc.


2.) The run away/heal type: Take a counter of licks then spend their time regenning force to heal and get full hps again, take a lick, run away to heal, etc. Usually hang out on ledges and push you away.


3.) The Push to knock you over/Backstab type: Pretty self explanitary, knock you over and one hit kill you.




Now I don't know about other people here but when I fight these types I tend to win because I 'get' the types. But it still really annoys me. I mean I've spend the whole fight countering these people until they get confused and soon die.


So I ask - do you think the above are 'tactics' and so ok fine to use, or just basically annoying people being lame.


I'm talking repeated use by the way, not one of combo's or deperation tactics etc.

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it all depends i guess, you said its a duel correct? then i would say thats lame, but it is in the game and you gotta learn to live with it, but if it was ffa then its all game you cant avoid it and it does constitue into mulitple kills at times (lightning). just try to learn where the nearest heals are and make sure you strike em, assuming its ffa, as for duels, i havnt come across a lightning spammer yet, usually its disabled? or they dont use it


if it were constantly repeated then i say it IS hella lame, but i do admit lightning is pretty usefull out of desperation even at time when your are in a grip or being assed rape with the backstab.

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yeah i was thinking largely duels, either be they ffa challenge duels or 'proper' duels.


i get at least a couple a day of this kind.


it's a shame because if they gave me a 'fair' fight they'd win, because i'm real good at countering, but hopeless at doing the special moves, i know how just can never actually do them :)

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Originally posted by DarkDragon

Against Strategy 1, just turn on Absorb. Unless the opposing Jedi abandons his spam tactics, you'll have more than enough force to keep the Absorb going as well as kick his ass.


yes, i find it very amusing as the lighteneing spammer fills up my force pool, not realizing that i don't take damage from it and that for some strange reason i'm blue;)




my two cents:p

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