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Lightsaber: WHERE TF IS IT?!?!


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OK, I will assume you have reached the final area, with the huge great pillar in the middle with a white cage on top? If not, you need to get there first.



Once there, you need to lower the pillar. This should be pretty obvious how to do it, just look carefully at the sides.


Now you've got it down, look around. You'll see a platform off on one side that, if you stand on it, it drops. Near there is the exit to a tunnel. If you stand on the platform and look at the now lower cage, you'll see the cage rise from the pillar (which is now buried to the top). On here is your precious lightsaber.


you must wait for the platform to get to the bottom (you have plenty of time to prepare yourself mentally and physicaly, it's weight activated). Activate force speed and run towards the pillar, the cage will begin to drop as you move.


Now you can see after one attempt that you cannot reach the lightsaber before the cage comes down completely. My solutions was this. Force speed run towards the cage, and line the saber up in your crosshairs (this must be done VERY quickly) - hit force pull and the saber should come flying to your hand!


Now you just have to get out of there... :>

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Err...You know the pillar? You know the things which stuck out and needed to be pushed in? It is in one or the other of the directions they were pointing in. You have to get the cage all the way down to ground level first, before the platform cage-raising thing will work.

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I don't know if you still need this, but from what you said, you need to hop up the broken pillars to the next level in the main door-room. I don't recall if the saber is your next trial or not. You'll know you've found the lightsaber when you're in a big courtyard with rocks hanging on ropes. Force Push the locks sticking out of the pillar until the saber cage is on your level. From there, go to the cubbey hole directly behind you and it will automatically lower you down. Hit force speed and run forward. You will have to time it right, but you should be able to do a force pull to get the saber. :D

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So you've got speed, pull, push and jump right? well, judging by what you said in your post, I believe you should be in the main room again (the one you started off the level in). From the exit of the pillar room, to the right are 2 golden (and broken) pillars. Jump on the slanted one and on to the 2nd one, and then jump onto the top level. You should come to an area with a cage at the far end. Use Pull on all the heads (whatever they are) which should bring water out. Go back to the entrance (stand in front of the door) and let the cage rise. Put on speed and run through the water to the closing cage. Jump when you reach the end and you should be able to make it. Run down the stairs and push the wall to your right. Drop down and go to an outside area with a small pool. There are 3 block thingies, push the thing supporting them underneath each one, and jump on top of em to reach the door at the top. (Kyle should say something like "they made the door too high" or something like that when he enters.) In the next area there is a pressure slab thing, hit speed and step on that, and run the other way. There should be a sliding platform, keep running and jump so as to be able to get up to the top door. Now your in the final area. Just follow what others have said about getting the saber out of the cage. I think that's about it, hope that helps.

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