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Guest Vaquel

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Ok everyone, here's your chance to tell us about your dreams. Lord Ender and I have been doing this for awhile now and it's really quite interesting. Yes, the dreams you have while you're sleeping, and nightmares too, as often is the case. You don't have to hold anything back because you're not responsible for what you dream anyways, so we can't judge you by what you say here. It's really fun, I'll post mine as I have them in more detail.


Lately I've been dreaming about being in a game of real life Halflife, or Counterstrike. Sometimes with people I know, sometimes not. Funny thing is I've not been playing much lately, like my mind trying to fill up the space that's left. I've also been having lots of dreams that I'm with my ex again, and that is really weird. She loves it when we have sex, and I do too, but something feels wrong to me. Doesn't stop me from pleasing myself with her but I think it means that I should not get back with her IRL, and you'll be damn sure I'll heed that "advice". A few dreams with random girls and us doing weird things together, not all sexual either, just mainly strange things. I had this one dream that I was two different people, once in a dark, brick-walled maze with giant worms covering the ground, trying to find my way out while voices spoke to me about who I "really was". And then I was the captain of my own land-faring submarine that passed a hole in a brick wall. I saw soldiers motioning us to stop so I told this oddball guy I knew in HS, also my shipmate to turn around and pull up next to the hole. The soldiers disappeared and were replaced by a bloated, fake-looking giant cow that came out of the hole and right next to a door in the hull of the ship. It began deflating and a sea of people (I took them to be prisoners from the maze I was in earlier) came flowing through the sub and busted open the door on the top deck and flowed toward me... then I woke up.


Anyways, as I have them I'll post in more detail. In the meantime please post your own, or any recurring dreams you guys have. We'll comment on them and try to figure out what they mean, or just read them for fun. You can even try to explain them yourself.


Here's the starter as promised earlier, it's up to you guys what to do with it.





"You cannot defeat me, only destroy me; and I will NOT be destroyed."

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Guest Darth Kurgan

The other day I dreamt, I was floating (in water I think) or something.. then I flew through the air, higher and higher, until I reached the sky gate (the skies are covered by these huge domes you see, and there are gates in them, this one warned me that if I entered it, I would be sucked into the vacuum of space, so I didn't enter it. ; )


I assume these were designed to allow easier launch of spacecraft (from floating launchpads?) or perhaps they were for craft entering our atmosphere..


Then there was this other one, where I was at school.. and.. uh... like...(as room quickly empties..)



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Guest wizzywig

I never dream about skygates or land-faring submarines. My dreams are always mundane things, like the I'm-back-in-school-and-ohmigosh-I-didn't-study-for-the-test sort of dream (and yes, that's a very easy sort of dream to interpret, psychologically). I never dream in fantasy and science fiction.


I wish...!




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Guest Galdarin the Goldfish

I had this weird one where I was in this dusty parking lot that looked like we were in arizona, only the driveway led to a nearby highway. There was this big metal arch, like part of a bridge, and a few sections lying on the ground next to it. There was a bent-back-L shaped building behind it, 2 stories, only the only windows were for some kind of restaraunt. I kept on thinking this white car I had was a porsche, though now I realize it looked like a normal DeLorean with a REALLY dark interior, black everything. there was something with cops coming where we drove into this cornfield directly south of the parking lot (about 50 feet)

I can't remember the purpose, but it sure was weird. Go ahead and ask and I can describe it further (I'm short on time at this point)


[This message has been edited by Galdarin the Goldfish (edited February 16, 2000).]

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I can never remember more than snapshots (no full motion) and I usually forget everything a few minutes after waking.


I can remember whether my dreams were cool or not though, and I have some cool dreams.


In one I do remember, I played hide, seek and shoot with one of those aliens from 'aliens'. I forget who won. smile.gif


I don't get nightmares though, haven't had more than two in my life, and not since I was 5. I've enjoyed each and every dream since then.



"There cannot be any 'story' without a fall - all stories are ultimately about the fall - at least not for human minds as we know them and have them."

-J.R.R. Tolkien

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Guest WeedSmoker

I once had this dream where I was holding this giant umbrella under my arm, and then I walked into a dark tunnel, then I stepped back out again, then I went back in (I did this for awhile).


When I woke up.. my pillow was gone!


; L~


"the grass is always greener"

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Ok, great, I'm getting serious replies here. First off let me comment on those so far.


The skygate dream: I've thought about that, while awake, ya know how if you look really hard at a clear blue sky you can almost picture its dome shape, like in a planetarium. I always wondered secretly, since I myself haven't been past the atmosphere, what it would be like if the sky was really a huge dome with physical boundaries. Our entire universe along with all of man's theories and claims to the contrary, was just an enclosed ball ending at the limits of our sky and sitting like a child's ball in some closet of a much larger world. How to describe this... like in Men In Black how the whole universe with galaxies and the like was a marble. Anyways, skygates make sense to me, what a cool dream.


Then the next about being in school and not studying for a test type dreams, I swear I cannot recall ever having one like that, or the famous at school naked, etc. I don't get it. Never any fantasy sci-fi dreams? Wow!


Ok, this next one about the parking lot, good descriptions, did you remember that for awhile after you woke up? How you mentioned that things seemed normal and made sense in the dream, like the driveway leading to a highway, the building only having windows for a restaurant, you thinking your car was a porshce when you woke up to realize ya it was a DeLorean. Ender and I always bring this up: in most of our dreams there are things that seem totally normal to us that make so sense in real life, and could not apply. Also, you seem to just "know facts" in your dream without them being explained to you. Like you see a person and you know everything about them: they could be your co-captain on a sub, your best friend of 20 years, your pregnant lover, the president of the United States. When in reality they are someone totally different, or you don't even know who they were at all.


The next one, about still pictures but no motion, when you wake up and try to remember. I remember motion in my dreams, but I can't "picture" that in my head, I see still shots, but I remember there being motion. And you only had 2 nightmares in your life, and not since 5? Holy mother of goats! I've had millions, ok at least hundreds or thousands. The worst are dreams that seem pleasant and then they get twisted somehow and scare the **** out of you, then get pleasant again only to freak you out again and repeat. I also die a lot in my dreams and keep dreaming, and sometimes keep dying by different means until I wake up finally.


Lastly about the umbrella and the tunnel, going in and out of it, waking up to your pillow missing. That cracked me up, what the heck was going on there? This one totally has me baffled. My dreams are wildly erratic or have lots of variety in them, the scenery and situation often changing without cause and everything still seems normal throughout.




Last night, I dreamed I was in Everquest. For those that don't know what that is, it's a MMORPG in 3D and was pretty cool for oh, the first 2 months maybe, and then held you in leveling addiction until you removed yourself from playing. A graphical MUD. Well the only thing I could relate it to EQ was that I felt like I was at a server boundary, and there were lots of people standing around looking at me. It was all in real life, and didn't look like anything I saw in EQ, I just "knew" it was EQ. Ender was with me, the way he looks in real life, and we had to find a way out of here. If anyone here has ever read The Deathgate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman (authors of Dragonlance Saga), you would recall Haplo in the Labyrinth. This is how I pictured Haplo (myself) in the Labyrinth with the Patryn Settlers looking at me in disbelief that I could escape or disgust that I was even trying, while they wouldn't. I think maybe this was linked to my post in the New God Thread where I described myself as emerging from a cave, and thinking about the Labyrinth, and so I dreamed about it. There was way more details than that, but I had too long between it fresh in my memory and now, and I'm surprised that bit popped into my memory, I'll try much harder next time to be more in detail. Keep this up!





"You cannot defeat me, only destroy me; and I will NOT be destroyed."

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Guest Nodrin King

Vell, are vee havink a goot time dizcuzzink our dreamce? Hmmm. Ze doktor muzt go to de bed now, but he vill bee bak tomorrow. I too have dreamce zat I muzt visit thiz night. Sveet dreamce. Das is ein goot thread mine frients!!



Paint a 3 on the side and I'll drive it!!!

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When I say I haven't had a nightmare since I was 5, I mean I haven't had a dream that scares me. That does not necessarily preclude the absence of nightmarish material.


I just enjoy every dream I have. Sometimes I die, most times I don't, but I always enjoy them.


Sometimes my dreams include material from my favorite books, either as me or one of the characters. I go from sci-fi to fantasy to real to just plain wierd.


There is a dream I have had a few times that goes farther every time. I recognize it every time it happens, yet all I can remember of it is a wooden raft. Strange, eh?



"There cannot be any 'story' without a fall - all stories are ultimately about the fall - at least not for human minds as we know them and have them."

-J.R.R. Tolkien

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Guest Galdarin the Goldfish

Der signater do nut sownd deustch.

Der be impersohhnatar or dummkopf?

Perhahps der too many svigs of de jagermeister and de monkey joose.

Hefevyzen es bettehr den de vussian vodka dink.

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I almost forgot, I had the most amazing Half-life dream a few weeks ago. Again, I don't remember a lot, but it lasted for hours (seemingly) and moved continuously and smoothly. I remember hiding behind rubble, jumping out and firing, motioning my teammates forward, it was great (I was a marine, not Freeman). smile.gif



"There cannot be any 'story' without a fall - all stories are ultimately about the fall - at least not for human minds as we know them and have them."

-J.R.R. Tolkien

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I don't think I can imagine anything more boring than dreaming I was playing a game I already play to death. ; )


I mean really.. unless I get some kick butt mods or something in the dream.. but then I'll be pissed when I wake up and they aren't installed! lol



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I don't know if boring could really be applied to being in the middle of a warzone. smile.gif


Even if it was a dream (and I knew it was a dream, I always do) it still seemed very real. It was great. I forget whether I died, I may have.



"There cannot be any 'story' without a fall - all stories are ultimately about the fall - at least not for human minds as we know them and have them."

-J.R.R. Tolkien

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This is GREAT! This is one of Vaquel's and my favorite topics. If only you guys could've heard some of our dreams... I can't remember them all, but we've spent hours and hours on end talking about them. This topic always intrigues me. I LOVE hearing about other people's dreams.


First off, seeing WeedSmoker here, reminded me of when I would dream of getting Totally and completely stoned in my dreams. hehe I mean I was SO FAR GONE, that I couldn't even open my eyes, let alone move! Sometimes I still dream about being messed up in my dreams...


The other night, I had a dream that I was going to a Rave, and I was walking in this street with a BUNCH of other Party Kids. It was like a parade or something. People EVERYWHERE! But it was Daytime, and that's odd, b/c Parties are at night.... But it seemed right in the dream. Things usually just SEEM right, and we KNOW things in our dreams. And we later wake up and think "...What the ****?!?" hehe I know I do, same as Vaquel. Anyway, We were all walking toward this big building that the party was going to be in. Then there were a couple cops in the crowd, but there wasn't any bad vibes or anything from them... Then one of them asked me: "Is the Cheif's Son going to be here tonight?" I shrugged and said: "I don't know." Then kept walking. But then I got this weird feeling, and then I turned around and said to him again: "Well, I THINK so, but I'm not sure. He usually comes." Now in the dream, I wasn't lieing, b/c I was thinking of this one kid I usually see at parties. And I think I thought of him b/c His Father is in the Military and is the Head of some Special Forces department.(Pretty scary guy, actually. Very deadly) So I thought that the kid I was thinking of was the "Cheif's Son". So anyway, when I get in the building, it's REALLY dark, and there is like an inch of water on the ground, that is black(from the dark room, I believe) and partially Neon Orange. And the orange is pulsating... The room I was in, was a BIG square room with 4 doors at each corner. I instantly realize that I must pick a team. Seeing as how there were Different colors for each door. I think it was JK and MoTS, b/c of the colors. There was a Gold/Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green team. Only instead of sabers and force and stuff, we had these water guns... So I go to explore the Blue door, and run down this set of stairs that twisted down, like a castle stair case or somethings, and when I get to the bottom, I stopped. I didn't want to go in, b/c I would've been on the Blue team, and I wanted to check the place out first. So I ran back up the stairs and through the HUGE square room to the other doors. I did the same thing with the Yellow door, except that there were 2 people infront of me and so I opened fire on them. hehe But I realized, that I wasn't doing anything, b/c they still were neutral like I was. (Neutral, being that you are in a gray and orange pulsating body suit.) So I ran back up and decided to go to the Red team. But I was being Followed by some guy. So I ran REALLY fast and got into the Red base and my suit instantly changed to gray and Red puslating... I darted behind this boulder on the ground, and waited for the poor guy to catch up with me. When he got into the Red base, I jumped out from behind the rock and started unloading on him. This is the time that I was thinking something was weird, b/c I was shooting him with water. Then he started to shoot me. But I was SOAKING this guy, he got me too, a little, but I was Soaking him BIG TIME. Then he yells: "Man, I don't understand!! My gun is so much BETTER than yours!" hehehe I then noticed he had a big gun. It looked like a Super Soaker 3000 or something. haha Then I woke up.


I have LOTS more dreams to tell, but I've already written a lot here, so I'll leave now and go to bed, maybe... If I can sleep. I'm at Vaquel's right now. He's passed out behind me. He's got a class at 1, the poor bastard. smile.gif


Thanks for being patient and reading this, IF you DID read it. hehe Later.


King of the Sith,


Lord Ender



"Death is the ONLY way out."

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I do a fair bit of lucid dreaming (which is what most of you appear to be describing), when I can control what I do in the dream (and usually know that it is a dream).


Most of my dreams lately are pretty surreal; I imagine myslf in the real world, doing real world things, but surrounded by aliens or magical beings (I swing between SF and Fantasy wink.gif ). My college cafeteria looks like Chalmun's Cantina. smile.gif


I once dreamed about being a dragon. . . or was that a dream. . .

*wanders off while mumbling in Latin*



"The Beasts know much that we do not." -Ancient Jedi proverb


[This message has been edited by BeastMaster (edited February 17, 2000).]

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Guest Nodrin King

I have had one particular dream more than once that I look forward to. I'm exploring around inside a church-looking structure with these aliens. The light is difused by a very soft golden smokey light, the skins of the aliens looks like soft gold wrinkleless foil. They speak softly in English, somewhat like little childrens' voices. For some reason they trust me. I am not their leader, their caretaker, nor their servant. Euphoric well-being and trust combine with an bubbling urge to discover this strange structure. As soon as one area is discovered we find another nook to probe. There is someone with a bright white light looking for us. We do not fear them, we just don't want them to disturb us. We continue our search...looking for what, I have no idea. We enjoy slidiing across the blonde wooden floors from hiding place to hiding place. I don't remember much else now...it's just a great warm fuzzy feeling.





Paint a 3 on the side and I'll drive it!!!

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My brother has what I would call 'prophetic' style dreams. I can't recall any right now, but they are very interesting.



"There cannot be any 'story' without a fall - all stories are ultimately about the fall - at least not for human minds as we know them and have them."

-J.R.R. Tolkien

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Guest psyduck78

I know I'm 'supposed' to be gone, but this topic just happened to intrigue me into posting on this thread. Back about in March right before Spring Break, well basically the night it started I had this really wierd dream about one of my friends, like in the dream she said that she was leaving and didn't know when she was coming back. I've always got this thing about friends leaving and I'm always sad to see them leave. Well anyway, and that was a really odd dream that I thought nothing about because she was coming back from Arizona with her parents. But that bad feeling kind of lingered with me for a while. Then I found out on Monday(the week of break) that my friend had died. It was really wierd and messed up. I guess that was a really bad time for me. Well anyway, you were saying something about prophetic dreams Conor?



I feel the need to say something profound, but I'm drawing a blank.

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That is really sad, and yet weird at the same time, that you dreamed about it before it happened.


As Ender and I have found out through discussion, he and I both have lost every best friend we ever had in our life either by betrayal, moving, death, or some such means. Hopefully this trend won't continue to include each other, as that would truly bite. It's a terrible curse, and feels like there is just some demon following you around attempting to screw with you for its own amusement, spiting you at every turn. Well this includes more than "just" the loss of best friends, but you know, it includes it.


As for dreams, I've been having absolutely NONE, because I've had no sleep! But I've had waking dreams due to my dillerium, where I sneak into a house filled with sleeping or lazy people who take no notice of me. There's lots of them, but I feel as though more are on their way, and I cannot be caught in their house. As I creep into a back room checking out the place, I look through a glass door out into the backyard, where an extremely attractive woman is sunbathing lazily in a skimpy bikini that I can hardly tell is there... and she looks right at me and smiles. I'm thinking oh crap I've been spotted, at the same time I want to get a better look at her, perhaps talk to her and get her name or something. But through the rest of the dream I cannot see her again, and this sucks, because I lose interest in searching the house (for God knows what). As I go out the front door and turn around to close it, a car drives up with a bunch of old people I've never seen before, and they get suspicious of me. I tell them I'm glad they're here, I just knocked on the door and no one answered, and was about to leave. They slowly buy my story and I split, then wake up, upset that I didn't catch a glimpse of that woman again.


That said, I heard many of you speak of controlling your dreams, and/or knowing that they are dreams and still dreaming. Yep, so have I. Ender says he can sometimes control something in the dream, like flying, but he thinks it is reality. I can control my flight, and I know it's just dream, but I keep on dreaming and doing whatever I please. This is extremely useful in wet dreams, since there are no consequences in your actions once you wake up, and you have complete control over what you do (sometimes to some extent others as well) until your dream ends. The good ones don't end until I can't think of anything else to do, or there is a lapse in decision, so I willingly end it when I please. Is this what you were talking about when you spoke of controlling and knowing you're in a dream?





"You cannot defeat me, only destroy me; and I will NOT be destroyed."


[This message has been edited by Vaquel (edited February 19, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Kurgan


I dreamed, I met a Galilean,

a most amazing man,

he had that look,

you very rarely find,

the haunting, hunted kind;


I asked him,

to say what had happened,

how it all began,

I asked again,

he never said a word,

as if he hadn't heard;


And next, the room was filled

with wild and angry men

they seemed to hate this man,

they fell on him and then,

disapeared again;


Then I saw, thousands of millions,

crying for this man,

and then I heard them,

mentioning my name,

and leaving me the blame.




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Very nice Kurgan.


Vaquel, yeah, that sounds a little like what I meant, except in my case it's usually knowing that "Okay, this is a dream, so I don't need to be worried. . . Let's see what's over here."


As for your dream, I think the beautiful woman represents someone/something very important that you had once but lost and want/need to find again. (Maybe sleep? wink.gif)


Analysing dreams is fun! smile.gif



"The Beasts know much that we do not." -Ancient Jedi proverb

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Guest Darth Kurgan

This is extremely useful in wet dreams,


To be quite honest, I have no desire to hear about your "wet dreams." ; P


Btw, Vaq, do any of your "revelations" you claim to have come from sleep deprivation? Just curious.. (I'm honestly wondering).



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Right Beastmaster, you don't need to worry because there are no consequences to your dream, is that how you see it? You can die, mess up something you work hard to keep perfect in real life, see 'what would happen' if you did something that you don't dare upset in real life, etc. and everything would be back to normal when you woke up. You can explore and have fun with it, and it still feels like reality while you mess around.


As for my sleep deprivation, well let's say it keeps me rambling, and I think more "on the fly" when I'm trying to stay awake. But my very last post, which hasn't been responded to yet, was done after a good 10+ hours of wonderful sleep, and I think it's one of my best, most clear posts yet. Go check it out on the New God Thread.


I had weird dreams last night. One I just can't talk about because someone in here doesn't want to hear about it! Plbbb! Party pooper! =) The other I can still recall was that I got a job at some doughnut shop, but my first day at work overlapped my college classes, and I was trying to figure out how to do both. All the sudden I was in UO, top-down 2D graphics and all, on a horse, with like 50 elementals after me, they looked like blood elementals but were called despair elementals, and they freakin hauled ass! I couldn't outrun them and I was going like 5 screens per second on some direct connection or speed or something. I had a corpse with valuable stuff on it they killed earlier and had only looted a few good things when I was again swarmed by them. I finally ran enough zigzag patterns in one direction that they got picked off on the terrain one by one until I could get far enough away and hide. I needed to get back to loot the rest of my stuff tho, and I thought for sure I had decayed as long as the chase went on. Then I woke up.





"You cannot defeat me, only destroy me; and I will NOT be destroyed."

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Guest Darth Kurgan

Have you ever dreamed about a single color?


Sorry Vaq, but I'd probably have to censor it, this board having certain rules and all, ahem. ; P




Q: How do you make God laugh?

A: Tell him your plans for the next 5 years.


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