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Guest Vaquel

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Guest darth_stu

My dreams:

1. I'm in an express elevator at the Washington Monument, and at the top, I explode out and wake up.

2. I'm playing GTa2 as the main character, but invulnerable, and the police can't bust me. I wreak havoc on all 3 zones of the city with my merciless electrogun. Not even the army and FBI can stop me.

3. I die a lot in my dreams.



Why does life have to be so long?

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Guest psyduck78

I had a dream last night.

I don't think anyone wants to hear about it though. Its kinda er..........well........you'd have to be over 17 to understand me.

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Guest Bounty Hunter

this may sound weird but it is true and I'm sure all of you have experienced this before you may not have realized it though. I only dream every once in a while. for some reason I don't dream every night, or my dreams are so subconcious that I have no recollection of them. any ways, when I do dream and I remember it. I want to write it down, and when I forget to write it down, it comes true. but these dreams are simple things like being in the living room and a specific short set of events takes place. and when I do write my dream down, it never comes true. I'm trying to prove to myself and others that there is somthing special(some sort of telepathy perhaps) about dreams and what our brains are doing when we dream. but I think that my failure so far to do so is either bad luck or someone up in the skies is having a very good laugh.

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Simple pre-cognizance, nothing rare about it.


Most people have it, they just ignore it or attribute it to random chance. I've usually found that the trick is to ignore the dreams until they start coming true. If you plan, or expect them, you'll jinx yourself.



"The Beasts know much that we do not." -Ancient Jedi proverb

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My dreams...

I have a lot of dreams, and mostly wake up dpressed - I get dpressed a lot


1. I'm in a skyscraper, I don't know where, and something awful is going to happen, and I know I can't stop it, but I try. I run into the lift, and press a button, any button. I wait and wait and wait, and all the time it's getting closer, and I still know I can't stop it. Then the doors open, and the building explodes...

2. I'm standing on the bus rank, and I've missed my bus. I know somehow that I can't do anything, so I just stand there. All the other buses pull out, and I'm left there just standing all alone.

3. I'm standing on a ship, one of those old sailing ships, and we're in the middle of a sea battle, and we win, but then the Captain says we're too damaged to make it back to port...

4. Ah well, you don't need to know the rest...

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Strange. I have enjoyed each and every one of my dreams since I was 5 years old. Sometimes I die in them, sometimes they are too strange for words, but I always enjoy dreaming, and wish I could stay in them forever. I hate waking up. smile.gif



"Preach the Gospel. If necessary, use words."

-St. Francis of Assisi

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Guest lightbulba

i once dreamt that i was being chased around a local brookstone* by mimi from the drew carey show. i think i stopped dreaming after that.



*which, might i add, selling purple pickles in jars.


[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited February 28, 2000).]

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Guest lightbulba

i also had one on which i was jumping over these little humps of unnaturally green grass with former classmates, surrounded by microwave towers beaming these purple laser blasts back and forth. it looked like some deranged music video, say, blind melon meets nine inch nails. also, i had a snout.




[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited February 29, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Kurgan

Okay, be honest now, how many of you psychics have had dreams that "later came true" ?


Really, I want a show of hands, no bs.



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Guest lightbulba

would you be able to tell if i did?




[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited February 29, 2000).]

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Guest Conor

I may have had one when I was about 5 or 6.


I had a dream about a cartoon with bunch of details, and a few months later the same show started on TV (it was MASK). My dream was various scenes from a few different episodes.


I am almost certain I had the dream before I even heard of the show, but there must be some reason (a preview perhaps?). I was so young I can't remember stuff like that perfectly. Oh well, you did ask. smile.gif



"Preach the Gospel. If necessary, use words."

-St. Francis of Assisi

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Guest psyduck78

read my first post on this topic Kurgan, and you'll know

*raises hand*



I feel the need to say something profound, but I'm drawing a blank.

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Guest Vaquel

::Raises hand::


I get deja vu from it a lot, until I figure out that I had only dreamt it before it happened.





"You cannot defeat me, only destroy me; and I will NOT be destroyed."

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Guest Kurgan

No I have no way to verify if you are lying or telling the truth, I just figured I'd ask.


After reading this forum, I got the impression that having prophetic dreams is somehow a common thing! (I've never had one and nobody I know has)



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Guest darth_stu

*raises hand*


Once I dreampt I was at a store with my mom, brother and a friend. Me and my friend started pulling anvils out of our pockets and throwing them at my brother. About a week later, it was the same situation, but we were only pretending to throw anvils at him. Don't make fun of me- I was in like 1st grade.



Why does life have to be so long?

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