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Anyone besides me Notice Something?

Guest Charza

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Guest Dave Maul

The only podrace in the movie (to my knowledge) is the Boonta Eve Race, which is the final level. Also, Qui-Gon refers to "podracing on Malastare". Did you mean there are Podraces in the game that aren't in the movie?




Dave Maul

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Guest Commander 598

There is a limit of 12 podracers per race.

and who was in the movie thats not in the game.



Yeah its interesting to me that preparing looks is a great bit like sitting on your ass.

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There were 18 racers in the movie. All 18 are in the game. Only Slide Paramita, Fud Sang, Toy Dampner, Bozzie Baranta, and Bullseye Navior weren't in the movie. I have spotted the other 18 in the movie. If you read the book it says there were some racers in the movie that aren't in the game but its wrong.

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