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Geforce 4 go wont let JK2 run


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i have a dell inspiron 8200 with a geforce 4 go 440 64mb. no matter what drivers i try it always locks up anywhere from a few seconds to as much as 10 minutes into a game (multiplayer most the time). it seems to lockup faster if i set the resolution higher and max out the detail, and in safe mode itll play as long as 10 min sometimes, but thats it. im using 1.03, and i didnt even try 1.00 i just went straight to 1.03 cause all my other lan computers were 1.03 since 1.00 wouldn't play right for my other lan computers.

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I have geforce 4 ti 4600 128 ram and it runs jk2 fine I haven't even had to change any drivers. I think it's another problem than the card I here everyone complaining about geforce cards, but haven't had any problems and yes I've tried the geforce 3 as well and it works fine.

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