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I havn't played MP for weeks!, how do i make it work


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i'll list the diferent problems,


."server for low pings onley"

.cant get v. 1.03 to work

.always freezes

.when i get into a server (finaly) it just stops and does nothing

.when i open the MP, it gets to the white screen and stops(freezing the computer)

.when i open MP, something comes up saying there is no sound card anymore (then no sound on the computer works)



when i first got this game for my birthday, it worked fine, now for the last 3 or so weeks i havnt been able to play at all, im sick of playing with bots, and crappy single player, i wanna play with You guys. I dont want anny dumbass ansers just give me the facts, and tell me how i can fix the problem, btw, i have re-installed the game heaps of times, it also makes it hard when the internet turns off after 5 minuts like they do, (oh i forgot americans have internets that never times out)


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