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Better fix for Voodoo5 video problems!!!


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I *was* using wicked gl (yes I copied the 3 files and did everything else right) and was using Dozer's 1.1 drivers for XP. JKII ran fine and played o.k. but I couldn't change any video setting without the game locking up.


Well, here is the fix (and it's easier to do than wickedgl).




Download that and put it in the Jedi Outcast\GameData directory. I couldn't see the Lucas Arts intro picture, but just click when you hear the music and you get the menu. With this you can at least set all of the setting in the video options and the game does not crash.


Since I have no problems besides that with Wicked Gl I'm thinking of just using this opengl32.dll when I need to change setting and then exit the game and put the wickedgl ones in for playing. Either way, you can now change video settings without crashes :p

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