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What should be in the expansion

Ferrara Z23

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God I hope they really make an expansion for this game. I would like to see them add more multiplayer skins, levels and a new stance. I also would like to see classes such as double saber or crystal sabars which are two sabers in two hands I believe. Each class will have disadvantages however. I also would like to see them expand on single player. What else would u like to see?

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a dual crystal saber - aka twice as long =)

the dual saber of course would be fun

uhm, more multiplayer models and maps ( Maps are an absolute MUST )


Mara jade model mara jade model mara jade model!


Expanded single player, maybe another type of multiplayer mode, aka ctf, ffa, cty

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New sabres and or styles for certain. New maps, in the style of bespin - high rooftops to fight on etc.


Maybe new game types? Dont know what they'd be but I wouldn't complain if the put them in.


Expanded single player with more emphasis on what made the sp great tp begin with - sabre duelling, hordes of enemies etc. More followers too and maybe commands for big battles.


Oh yes - monsters. JK 1 had them - the dragons and the rancor. I would like to see that sort of thing for some cool fights.


Personally I couldn't care less about multiplayer models.

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Originally posted by Ferrara Z23

God I hope they really make an expansion for this game. I would like to see them add more multiplayer skins, levels and a new stance. I also would like to see classes such as double saber or crystal sabars which are two sabers in two hands I believe. Each class will have disadvantages however. I also would like to see them expand on single player. What else would u like to see?

My first post. Ph3ar me. ;)


Duel lightsabre's is duel lightsabres, it says 'crystal lightsabres' in Anakin's episode II trailer because he's wielding 2 sabres that use crystal to focus the blade. :p


But yes, I BADLY want 2 lightsabres, I don't even care about double-bladed sabres.

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Well, to be honest, I think that the MP needs a MAJOR overhaul, and I'm not going to get into anything here, other than I wishe it was as friendly and close-nit as the JK1 MP community... As for singleplayer, which I enjoy more than MP in terms of an FPS, I do have some ideas for an expansion...


Heres mine; It is about 20 years after JK2, and the backdrop for it is the middle of the New Jedi Order books. I think that the plot should start out when the Yuzzhan Vong order the capture and turning over of all the Jedi, and they'll spare what is left of the NR. While the NR dosen't officially support this, they don't do much to stop it. In response of this, a majority of the Jedi go into hiding, only coming out when they are called upon. There are still a few Jedi that are running about, causing all sorts of crap for the Vong, and smuggling Jedi across the capture points set up by people looking to turn them over and make a pretty credit.


So, what I think is that Kyle should be either be a part of the groups of Jedi goong out and causing havoc for the Vong, helping get Jedi off various planets that are under attack by Vong forces, or even fighting on the front lines with NR troops.

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Another MP mode - "Realistic Duel"


It would be Dueling, but as it says - ultra realistic, i'm talking a one-hit kill style, no special moves though so that the fighting can flow well and little can be abused.. maybe it would just use one stance, choice of the server - that might be better.


Anyway, something along those lines would be nice :)


Oh yeah, more maps with traps and places to fall off ;)

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