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Top Ten.....

Guest Boba Rhett

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Guest Boba Rhett

....Rejected Titles For Episode II.


10. "I Was A Teenage Dark Lord Of The Sith"


9. "Attack Of The Stem Cells"


8. "Jedi Smackdown"


7. "Who Let The Clones Out"


6. "The Dubious Presidential Pardon Of Darth Vader"


5. "Dude, Where's My Wookie?"


4. "Captain Corelli's Light Saber"


3. "Wait Till You Hear Episode III's Title"


2. "This Can't Suck More Than 'Pearl Harbor"


1. "Here's Another Peice Of Crap, Nerds. Now Give Me More Money."




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Guest Tie Guy

Hmm, maybe they didn't need all that fancy equipment. ;)


BTW, it is all about the story, a clear picture isn't what made Star Wars the most influential movie of all time. Of course, they couldn't have made it all happen without fncy equipment. they invented several techniques just of the movies ya know.

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Check this out:





10) Making prank "heavy breathing" phone calls

9) Sneaking up behind Star Destroyer crew members, covering their eyes, and demanding "Guess who?"

8) Practicing throwing Palpatine doll down pits

7) Genealogy

6) Using the force to learn to juggle

5) Mortal Kombat 5436

4) Using mind-reading ability to win at Battleship

3) Late nights with a pain droid

2) Sending anonymous love-notes to Mon Mothma

1) Checking Imperial Deli to see if they've named a sandwich after him yet

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Tie Guy

Hmm, maybe they didn't need all that fancy equipment. ;)


BTW, it is all about the story, a clear picture isn't what made Star Wars the most influential movie of all time. Of course, they couldn't have made it all happen without fncy equipment. they invented several techniques just of the movies ya know.


I agree...but IMO, E1 seemed like it concentraited more on the fancy graphics then the story. I think movies, in general are concentraiting more on fancy technology rather then a good story. Graphics might look nice but it won't make a movie entertaining, much less the most influencial movie of all time ;) Do I smell a future poll/thread?

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