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Jedi Academy Update and Questions..


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Hey everyone...


Just wanted to update anyone and everyone who's interested in or heard about the Jedi Academy... unfortunately our news post software decided to fry itself, so we have to rebuild the site in a few days, but that explains why our site http://academy.jediknightii.net has been dormant (oh and don't ask why we're not listed as a hosted site on jk2.net, i have no clue)


Along those same lines, some behind the scenes stuff is goin on... we're creating a database for scheduling, working on a relationship with a VERY well-known guide, and restructuring a bit... you may know of JediSith999, our leader... well he's moving, so he's moved into more of a "king with limited powers" role if that makes sense... also, i'm in the process of trying to figure out which of our hired trainers are actually going to be trainers, so we MAY be reopening trainer applications eventually, and we have an official map nearing completion...


And of course that all leads to having actual students to train... we're beginning to put together our course curriculum, training standards, and scheduling in preparation for opening student applications. this is where the "questions" part of this message topic comes in... What do you, as members of the community, have in the way of suggestions for the Academy. it can be anything from lesson topics to, well anything. just let me know. my email address is massadoobie@academy.jediknightii.net or you can respond to this post. We're looking for your input to make the Academy the best it can be :)


Chris "Massadoobie" DuBois

Jedi Academy

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Yes yes please speak up with your questions/suggestions. I've gotten quite a few emails asking when we're gonna open.. the answer is very soon hehe. :)


NerfYoda aka DJ Sith

-I run the game server & do various odd jobs for the Jedi Academy.

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I think I speak for alot of people when I say, the Jedi Academy Clan is lame. To think that you recruited your members by having the JK2 official website advertise for you, its pathetic. I've had these thoughts since the moment the news was posted on jediknightii.net, I've been able to hold my tongue until now. Well, I'm sure you've got more newbie lamer apps to look thru since every 13 year old who plays the game has probably applied to your clan, so I'll let you get back to that. I hate to flame but its long overdue and well deserved.


Wow, I feel much better now.



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ummm, we're not a clan. we have no intentions of becoming a clan. when i think of "clan" i think of a group of people, on a "team," who play competitively with each other in tourneys/matches/etc. we're here to teach people (especially the players you refer to as "newbie lamers") how to play the game better, without being concerned with winning or losing or getting dominated by l33t players who they have no chance against. we plan to do this by having experienced trainers pass down knowledge in a controlled environment that's part education-by-listening (or reading the top of your screen, whatever) and part education-by-fire (for those of you who would say "just play the damn game, you'll learn"... i know from not playing cs the second it came out but instead trying to pick it up later that all "just playing the damn game" gets a new player is frustration)


i do have to say, that was one of the most politely written flames i've ever read, even though i have a feeling you haven't seen the site and definitely don't know what you're talking about. and i'm definitely glad you feel better :)


Chris "Massadoobie" DuBois

non-clan leader of the non-clan Jedi Academy

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Who's got too much time? The person who tries to further a community devoted to their hobby, or someone who makes a post flaming them for it?


Yes, we all know it's just a game. That means you should have fun in it. Is it so unreasonable that some people find teaching others helpful tricks, styles, and overall helping to be fun? Is it so beyond your comprehension that other people enjoy having a little help in a game, so that they too can have fun?


Yes, it is just a game. And I happen to like this game. And would enjoy it even more if I can find more ways to have fun in this game than to simply be number 1 every match.


It's only a game. So have fun and quit complaining about things that you choose to let annoy you.

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I am not a member (though i wouldn't mind being one)


With maybe the exception of jarek since he WAs polite and I think simply got the facts wrong.


People who flame the academy are truly the losers... flaming the academy for exaisting would be flaming this game for existing. It shows you have no concept of anything remotely equating a brain and interperosnal ediquet. At least Jarek did it politely, and with reasons that although wrong made some sense. coming in here saying "It's just a game" basically tells me that you probably get beat up a lot... if not you should be...


to the Academy, if you ever want a teacher or something I'd love to help out sometime. I play fairly regularly these days, and specialize in te saber of course...


Not the best out there, but plenty good enough to start newbies off towards the more advanced classes.


IE teaching the basics of different moves, force powers ETc, and begin showing them how to expand on the application of these moves beyond simply spaming them.


Basically I'd be a decent novice to intermediate teacher/helper.


In the end though I feel you guys SHOULD act a bit more like a clan to some extent. show off the skills your best pupils and teachers have with some friendly competitions to kind of advertise what your doing and just for the fun of it. Things like that you know?


could be fun, you never know :) I mean if having an academy is fun, wouldn't having one that also serves as a kind of clan be fun too? complete with various ranking etc for the RPG lovers, and other good stuff?


Anyway just my two cents.


And tell Jedisith hi for me, though he might not remember me, I posted a LOT on his Lightech lightsaber threads and got one myself :)

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be my guest it's why I mentioned it Nerf old buddy :)


Wouldn't mind an honorary place on the academy roster either heheh I'd love to be involved in a concept like this especialy if it has some limited competition value to it (not as intense as clan matches, but more than just teaching).


you know like maybe take out a bunch of padawans with one teacher for every two or three of them, and descend on some server and let the padawans play and spectate maybe and give pointers. or all kinds of fun friend;y stuff :)


So yes feel free to use the idea, it's not that much of my idea anyway I mean thats what mostpeople kind of do anyway right? So what if it's not rtechnically a clan, who says you can't have clan like competitions?

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  • 2 weeks later...

theese are the best ideas i hav heard in a long time, and to all u flamers, just go FU*K your selves. the jedi acadmy is right in wanting to teach n00bs the ways of the force. saying just play the damn game is like telling a scrawny guy to lift a 500 lb dumbell!

i have already applied as a student, and i would like to become a teacher of light saber stance and light side force, mabie dueling too. frendly competetion rocks!

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Question: can i be a teacher yet.

Question: can you teach me how do fight well with medium stance.

Question:are any of you willing to go 1v1 with me.

Fact: this is a game and some people do take it to far others just want to have fun and help. If you have a problem with it (JEARK) then you should go find a game that is easy to play which no one plays so there are no clans and then you have no reason to complain.

Point of veiw:JEARK is a f#ucker.

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Question: can i be a teacher yet.

Answer: as soon as we figure out how many more trainers we need, we'll reopen applications.


Question: can you teach me how do fight well with medium stance.

Answer: Why yes, we have two trainers who specialize in medium stance, and a third who's good with all stances.


Question:are any of you willing to go 1v1 with me.

Answer: I'm not, I suck :), I just lead and coordinate, not train... but i'm sure the trainers would love to


Point of veiw:JEARK is a f#ucker.

Key words being POINT OF VIEW :)

but at least he's a polite f#ucker



El Capitan, Jedi Academy

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I think the jediacademy is an excellent idea! :). I really need help at this game because I kinda suck sometimes and I love Star Wars and the whole Jedi fighting with lightsabers things, so for myself I would love to be good at this game. Cmon, any star wars nut wants to be a Jedi :D. Where do I signup for training?

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hmm, well members of the Jedi Academy, I posted on the last thread about this, and actually it was quite interesting, because after picking up Guibs, I had 3 other emails from different people asking if they could be my padawan! hahha, it's actually quite hilarious. Anyways, I know your academy will be successful, and I have no intentions of applying (although I do want to get in, there is no need for me to get in competition with people just so I can teach). Maybe I can be an outside contact or something. LOL. Anyways, I hope you guys all the best, I will direct any emails pertaining to being my padawan to your website.

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massadoobie... i think the jedi academy

is an excellent idea...


my only fear is if you dont get it up and

running soon, it will be irrellevant...


since the game is a couple months old most

people who would play this game have already

done so ... heck the forums alone have peaked over

50,000 .... the time is now, do or do not there is no try.


that said may i say again i love the notion

of an official jedi academy :D


personally, for me i would be most honored

for a chance to participate as a jedi trainer...


as it is now i take every oppurtunity to train

those who are looking for help while in-game...


i play multiplayer quite voraciously, (that is i play

online a hella lot :p )


shoot Jedi is Shaolin, the Force is Zen ...

grand things to pursue, and difficult the path may be...


the best skill one can have is the desire to learn, the best

teacher one can have is the one who is ever present as a student...


one does not ever stop learning unless one decides

to no longer learn...


train well and learn well my jedi and padawan friends...




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i have not got my e-mail yet and i was wondering if u have my correct e-mail.PM the e-mail adresse u have for me.

Question:cab i be a teacher yet.

Question: plz tell teachers of medium about me and ask to set up date for teaching

Fact:Even if jeark is polite he is still a ****er. Hitler was polite and look what he did.

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