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Star Wars at E3

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Well, I think they are OK. Could be better. For my taste most of the games seem to be a tad bit too 'arcadeish', well, they are console titles anyways *g*


how pathetic... the console titles ONLY have action and the most promising PC title (Galaxies) might come out to be too un-action-oriented... err, I mean, the combat system might turn out not really #star wars#.. well i guess nobody understands what I'm saying anyway :D

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I watched most of the Trailers and I am certainly impressed, since most of the games look Top-notch (have concerns about Clone Wars, though. Pandemic isn't one of the best studios) but at the same time I'm quite angry about Lucasarts. If you want to play all those cool titles you gotta spend zillions of $$$$. For my part, I don't own any console, I'm a die-hard pro-PC gamer and it's a shame that most of these cool titles won't appear on PC. JK2 is one of the benchmark PC-Star Wars titles and it gets a GC/X-box port! I wanna play Rogue Leader, Bounty Hunter and Clone Wars on my PC. Ports would be easy.

I doubt that there are a lot of people out there who own GC+PS2+X-Box+killer PC.

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